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|the picture....I don't know how this will turn out.. so I wish you love it.|

I put out my joint then make Duff go away. Then I put on my T shirt and shorts and walk over to Duff sitting on the couch. I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. He rests his hands on my hips while talking to the guys casually. "Are we almost there?" I ask softly "yeah 20 minutes" Duff answers softly. I hum quietly and kiss his neck. "Hey Y/n?..." A deep voice asks. "Yeah?" I respond. "Sorry for waking you up like that.." Axl says "it's fine just don't ever do it again...or I'll stab you with a knife while you sleep" I tell him. The boys talk some more and I hang out and laugh every once and a while. When the bus stops Duff stands up with me in his arms. He slides his hands to my ass and squeezes.

Unexpectedly I moaned softly but not soft enough for only Duff to hear. "Chill out guys" Izzy tells us softly and my face gets red. "Remember we have an Interview in about an hour" The manager tells us. "I'll be making sure you two are getting ready" Izzy says pointing at me and Duff. We grab our suitcases and find our room. When Duff gets the door open I look around. We had a couch with a TV, a big bathroom, a nicely sized kitchenette, and a big bed. I set my suitcase in the bathroom and lay down on the bed. I start to think about Duff in a very nice way...The thoughts made my panties damp and the space between my legs throb. Then I get an idea, I get up and go to the bathroom.

I change into my leopard print set I got secretly, and a big Guns n roses shirt. I step out of the bathroom and to the couch we're Duff was watching TV. "I like your shirt" He laughs softly "thank you" I answer then, kissing him on the cheek. 'just wait till you see what's under it' I think. I look over at Duff to see him looking at the TV. I sit on his lap so he would pay attention to me and my body. "Duff.." I whisper then kissing his neck. He puts his hands on my hips and I rock them slowly. "I want you so bad Duff" I whimper. Duff kisses my neck untill he gets to the neckline of the T shirt. He pulls away smirking and Duff picks me up and takes me to the bed.

He sits me down and takes my shirt off. Duffs jaw drops when he sees the set I'm wearing. "Babe.. where did you get this?" He asks tugging on the panties. "Oh, nowhere.." I smirk. I slide my hands up his shirt then take it off. I kiss his chest then, unbutton his pants while his head rolled back. Duff pushed me down onto the bed and kisses my neck and boobs. Every spot of skin he kisses left warmth. Duff takes off my leopard panties and kisses my clit softly. He was hardly touching me and my back was already arching. I needed him so bad. Duff puts a condom on and slides into me roughly. He didn't start off slow, he went rough immediately. "Duff!" I moan loudly. I hear a knock at the door but I don't do anything.

Instead, I keep moaning Duffs name. "oh Duff!" I moan. Duff leans down and kisses my neck and leaves hickeys. The knot In my stomach tightens. "Duffy..." I moan and he groans. "I'm-" I get cut off "shh I know" Duff says then bringing his hand down to rub my clit. My stomach spasms and the knot comes undone. "Duff!" I moan loudly. Duff leans down to my neck and bites it while his hips loose rhythm. "Y/n.." he moans and it's the hottest thing he's ever done. Without thinking I moan softly at Duffs moans and whimpers. Duff pulls out and throws the condom away then, He lays down on my boobs and wraps his arms around me. Duff kisses my boobs sweetly and I run my hands through his hair.

"Guys are you getting ready?" Izzy asks then walking out of the kitchen "oh my god" He sighs covering his eyes. "Get ready damnit" He says then leaving. Duff gets off of me and goes to the bathroom. I get out of bed and put on my T shirt to wait. Duff comes out of the bathroom looking so amazing. "your hot" we both say at the same time and I smile. He walks towards me and kisses me. After a minute Duff pulls away "I love you Y/n" he says softly then kissing me again. We don't say 'i love you' to eachother a lot but when we did my face got really red. Duff pulls away and smiles at my red cheeks "I love you too...and you have permission to do anything you'd like to me all the time" I say and Duff smirks.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now