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I collapse, hitting the moist dirt with a soft thud. Small white flurries fall from the sky as I shiver violently on the ground. I'd been running non-stop for a couple days, my feet bleeding, my whole body aching and cold.

I hear footsteps then a small gasp, and I curl into a ball, fear still fresh in my mind.

"Oh my, you poor thing, what's happened to you? Your gonna freeze to death out here" a women says

She kneels by me, wrapping a shaw around me, then slowly picking me up,

"It's okay,  we'll get you warmed up and taken care of." She says

She walks to a nearby house, putting me in a chair next a warm fire, then wraps more blankets around me.

   "Want some hot cocoa?" She asks

Tears build at the ends of my eyes as I remember the group home once again.

"Are you okay!?" She asks

I nod slightly,curling into a ball in the chair, where I cry myself to sleep.


New clothes as well as a jacket and shoes, and I stand outside the womens house.

"Thank you" I say to the women.

"It's fine... be safe... it was nice meeting you Misty." The women responds

I nod, wave slightly and start walking.


Jakes pov

"Jim! Jess! Lanny wants to see us in the lab!" I call

Jim and Jessica both nod and hurry over to me, then we walk to the lab together.

"What's up Lanny?" Jim asks

"I'v found some clues that might be helpful." She replies

"Okay... shoot" I say

"The fingerprints found on the envelope had a certain substance found in certain forests, and only one forest nearby contains this substance." She says

"Really? You think they're nearby??" Jessica asks

Lanny nods,

"And thats not it... that forest has a forest fire being put out as we speak. That forest fire was started in a cabin... after the fire's put out, I say you guys go check it out." Lanny continues

"Definitely! I can feel us getting closer to finding her." Jim says

Jess and I nod.

'Please be okay...'


Its about a day later before the fire is successfully put out and were aloud to go down there to check it out.

   When we get there the investigators said they found 2 bodies, both male, and they were sent over to the lab for Lanny.

   The house itself was reduced to ash, except for the basement, which is where we are now.

   We found two clues, blood and... semen.


"The bodies are Tom and Adam, the blood is Mistys.... and the semen is John's...." Lanny says

Jessica gasps, Jim growls, and I turn away.

"The good news is... Misty's body was not found, and there wasn't enough blood for it to be critical. So... I think she may be alive." Lanny continues.

'Still a chance.... we'll find her...'

Sorry its been a while.
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