Locked Up

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"Wait! Wait!"

The flight attendant paused what she was doing and looked up to where the voice came from, instantly spotting five panicking teenage boys racing across the large waiting room, all lugging heavy suitcases and almost knocking over an elderly lady in their haste. As they ran toward the attendant, she watched as one of the boys paused and gave the elderly woman a rushed apology before resuming the dash towards the closing gate. The attendant smiled and stopped the closing doors, resuming her position at a desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked politely once the boys reached the desk. Now that she could see them up close, the lady noticed that they all looked very nicely dressed.

"We... plane... Los Angeles... here," The boy that helped the elderly woman before said breathlessly, clutching at a stitch in his side and holding out 5 airplane tickets. The attendant took the tickets from him with a smile and scanned them. A quick glance told her that they were all first class passengers.

"Harry Daniels, Louis Brooks, Liam Wallace, Niall Young, and Zayn Reza?" She asked, looking them over. They all nodded, still out of breath. "Okay, right this way. Have a wonderful flight!" She chirped and motioned towards the doors. The boys all straightened up and obediently walked through the gate, one at a time.

Just as the one who gave her the tickets was about to pass through, he stopped.

"Have a nice day ma'am. Thank you very much." And with that, they were gone.

What nice boys she thought to herself as she closed the door, waiting for the beep that let her know it was closed correctly, not having any idea of what was about to happen.


As the now-exhausted boys Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis, exited off the plane in L.A., they were surprised by the lack of fans. Usually, there could be up to a few hundred people milling around waiting for the boys to arrive, but this time, there were hardly any people around at all. The only other people lingering in the area were normal families waiting for their loved ones to appear. Nobody even gave the group a second glance as they passed through the room. They might as well have been invisible.

The boys thought nothing of it, either being too tired with jet lag to think properly, or figuring that the security had something to do with it. Either way, they all passed through the security gate, and noticing a sign for their limo near the back wall. Dead on their feet, they trudged over to the man holding the sign, who took all of their suitcases for them, despite Liam's protests.

They all walked out to the limo, climbing inside and dropping onto the soft, plush seats immediately, far too tired to notice the sound of their driver quietly shutting the door and locking it. The driver carefully placed the key into his pocket and walked around to the driver's seat, whistling a tune to himself. By the time the limo started moving, all five One Direction boys had fallen asleep.


Harry was the first of the sleeping boys to wake up. He slowly propped himself up on his elbows, shivering slightly in the cool morning air. As he rubbed his eyes, he examined the room they were in. It was completely empty and bare, except for five mattresses, a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling, and two wooden doors.

Confused, he sat up further and looked around more closely. The walls of the room were a pale, purple color and they all looked dirty and cracked. The floor was made of hard, grey cement, nearly as filthy as the walls. The two doors in the room were both made out of some kind of dark wood; he wasn't sure what type. Next to one of the doors was a little counter suspended from the wall. Above the counter was a little window, covered with iron bars like in a prison cell. There were no other windows. On the floor lay 5 plain, dirty, lumpy mattresses on which the five guys were sprawled out on, the entire room lit by a single, bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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