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"Fucking run!"

Ghost hurdled over a large piece of rubble on the ground with ease.

"This is what happens when they let you make the plan! Fucking bastard!" Ghost growled angrily as him and his friend ran frantically through a ruined town, a rain of gunfire and shouts in a different language trailing them. Soap looked over at Ghost, a wicked smile on his mischievous mug.

Ghost and Soap had been sent on a mission together to gather intel on a suspected threat, and for some reason, Soap was chosen to run point on. That was Price's first mistake.

As the two males thudded across the sands, dodging fire left and right, Ghost thought about their escape plan. Their vehicle had been commandeered so they would just have to keep running until they lost them. In full tactical gear in the afternoon sun on the hot sands of Saudi Arabia, that would be difficult.

Movement caught Ghost's attention as a large Jeep was ripping across the sands and suddenly coming to a stop directly in their path. Ghost was about to make an abrupt turn and run the other way from the mysterious vehicle when he saw a masked woman reach over and opened the passenger-side door.

"Get in! Hurry!" She yelled. He wouldn't have trusted it had she not adorned the SAS symbol beneath the flag of her country of origin on her chest.

Soap reached the passenger side door and jumped in, closing the door behind him. Ghost grabbed onto the hood of the car and lifted himself up and through the open backseat window. Before his feet had even left the ground the woman had already started driving.

Ghost widened his eyes as he beheld the woman behind the wheel. Her hair was tied back in a braid and a thick buckled strap wrapped around her hair was attached to the mask covering the lower part of her face. It looked like a surgical mask except it was black and made of a reinforced material that seemed to be form-fitted to her face. Surrounding her e/c eyes was old black face paint mixed with some patches of dirt. Finally, a small scar ran from the middle of her right eyebrow, over her eye, then disappeared behind the mask.

With expert execution, she ripped the sunroof open and turned her body around to address Soap.
"Grab that gun and start shooting."

Without wasting a second, soap heaved the gun that was at Ghost's feet on the floorboards and brought it up to his lap. He stood out the sunroof, the gun hitting the roof of the car before Soap rained hellfire upon them.

Ghost turned around and looked out the back window, seeing rows of men falling victim to Soap's deadly accuracy. The only thing standing between them and freedom now was a rocky maze. The Jeep didn't even slow as they came barreling toward the start of the rocky pathway. The only warning they got from the mystery woman was;
"Hang on!"

This must have been a path she had navigated before because she was taking the sharp turns and curves like she had done them one hundred times. Mountains of fallen and weathered rocks were piled around the car as they snaked their way through.

A curse fell from the woman's mouth as she saw what we were quickly approaching. A very narrow passageway adorned with freshly fallen boulders. She hesitated only for a moment before grabbing Soap by his tactical belt and yanking him back into the car.

"Get ready to flee the car if this doesn't work." She warned us.

"If what doesn't work?" Ghost demanded, tightening his grip on the 'oh-shit-handle' in the back seat.

Reaching down towards the gear handle she quickly flipped the Jeep from 4-wheel drive to 2-wheel drive without slowing down for a second. That definitely was not good for the vehicle.
Enemies in vehicles of their own were quickly approaching us. A few stray gunshots littered the nearly impenetrable barrier of the vehicle. The woman was not slowing down, not even a little.

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