~Story 1~

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  Jess drove to the woods to get away from it all. She is 9 months pregnant with twins and it is just too much especially with her girlfriend constantly worrying about the triplets, it's good to get away. Her belly is huge not to mention.

Once she got to the place it was just her and her unborn babies, Jess's due date is in 4 weeks so she thinks she has time

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Once she got to the place it was just her and her unborn babies, Jess's due date is in 4 weeks so she thinks she has time.

Jess brought out the tent and set it up. She unloaded her backpack of food, cooler, changing tent, air mattress, pillow, and health care products.

After all of that unpacking she decided to go for a walk in the woods. She was going to walk to this one spot where the trees collapse into a little seat. The walk is only about 5'ish miles if she takes her time she can make it. She throws on a black shirt and a pair of maternity jeans.

About 20 minutes into the trail she got a slight pain below her bump. She thought nothing of it and just thought it was her baby kicking. About 5 minutes from the spot she gets another slight pain. From then on the pains the pains get closer.

After she explored a bit she decided that it was time to go back to camp. Jess kept stopping due to the pains so the walk felt a lot further than it should.

At this point the pains are right on top of each other, everything was fine until she hears a pop and amiotic fluid gushes down her leg. Jess finally realized she is in labor.

Jess says to herself, "There is no way I am giving birth on this trail."

While walking she has the urge to open her legs and push but she keeps her legs closed as she walks. The babies decide to make their way out on there own, the babies head starts to crown. Yet she still keeps her legs closed and walks.

The babies head has fully crowned and it's making its way out quickly, which makes Jess waddle a bit. Jess hasn't taken off her panties yet, she feels her baby's head resting on her panties, And worse she has pants on. Jess has the crazy idea to push the baby back in to keep walking, She pushes the baby back in just a bit to keep walking.

Jess had 2.1 miles to go and each step in getting harder. The baby's head goes back in on its own. Jess takes this opportunity to full on sprint tears running down her face because of the pain but she knows when she gets to the car it will be better than the hard floor.

The baby's head starts to poke out at 1 mile. Jess is so close the urge to push is really hard to resist so on her contraction she pushes only a little a the baby's head fully crowns.

Jess is once again waddling down the trail because of the other two babies are kicking, with the two kicking and the contractions there is no way Jess could start running again.

While wadding the baby's head comes out fully but lucky for Jess she sees the truck. Her waddle turn into a speed walk. Jess hold her baby's head while walking.

Jess opens the truck door and struggles to get inside. She forgot she has pants on, they are starting to get tight down there so Jess takes off her pants with a struggle.

Jess lays down with her legs in birthing position and the baby's right shoulder slides out then the other then the baby shoots out. She grabs her baby and checks the sex, It's a beautiful baby girl. Jess finds a box of clothes and wraps the baby in one.

She has a minute to relax then the contractions start again, she knows that the process will take a bit. The contractions are only 15 minutes apart.

Jess's contractions are getting closer then the pop noise again baby 2's water broke so she decides to finger how dilated she is, 10 meters. On her next contraction she pushes and the baby's head fully crowns.

Each contraction she pushes and the baby gets further and further then on Jess next push the baby comes out. It's a beautiful baby boy.

Her belly decreased just enough to show the last baby is there.

Jess's contractions picked up about 1 hour later, She checked if she was dilated and she was 9 meters

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Jess's contractions picked up about 1 hour later, She checked if she was dilated and she was 9 meters. A couple hours later baby #3's waters broke, so Jess knew it was time to push.

NGHHHHH Jess was feeling the ring of fire, Jess knew she was going to rip so she let the baby go out a bit on its own then she started to push again. 6 pushes later she had all three of her babies.

Baby #1's name: Tessa (Girl)

Baby#2's name: parker (boy)

Baby#3's name: Kia (boy)

~hey guys! Hope you liked this one if you want more tell me in the comments I will be picking one and writing it. Btw I update everyday! Hope you give me ideas, Bye! 👋~

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