October 1st - Padam Padam [Demon Zoro x F!Reader x Demon Kaku] {Erotic Romance}

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• In an attempt to further your magic studies, you follow the instructions given to you by your mentor in summoning a familiar

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In an attempt to further your magic studies, you follow the instructions given to you by your mentor in summoning a familiar. However, when something goes wrong, you are face to face with two demons who do not seem to stop eyeing you up.

CW: A lot of silly banter that I had WAY too much fun writing, nudity, language, oral (female receiving), implied threesome.

Title Song: "Padam Padam" By  Kylie Minogue

• WC: 5.7k

Part 1 of 3

Your eyes went wide as you watched a hand reach out of the summoning circle, followed by a second

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Your eyes went wide as you watched a hand reach out of the summoning circle, followed by a second. A head of green hair started to creep out with horns and fluffy cat-like ears, but was pulled out of the way by a different hand. It was followed by shouting; two separate voices. There were two sets of hands, and they started to slap each other, trying to push the other out of the way. Sitting there as you watched on in shock, as it seemed two men were fighting their way out of the circle, arguing in a language you did not know until their heads fully came out of the dead center of the circle. Once they broke the barrier, you could understand them.

"Shove off Kaku! I was here first, you fucker!"

"Over my dead body, Zoro! You're cutting the line, bastard!"

Two demonic looking men raised about halfway out of your summoning circle, shoving, slapping, biting, and pushing the other out of the way in their own attempt to be first through the portal from the other realm in which they had been brought. You already knew that whatever came out through the portal of your magic circle would not be human, but when you read over your book and notes again and again as the two bickered and argued, you could not figure out where things went so wrong. Your mentor, Robin, had very specific instructions for you on what to practice before she would see you again in a few weeks to assess your progress.

Magic was not something one openly studied or did publicly in the modern era, so your day job as a librarian for a local elementary school would have to suffice as what the world outside of your apartment knew you as. While many called themselves witches in the modern age, those who possessed actual magical abilities either lived in the middle of the woods where no one could find them or had a tendency to disappear in government black vans if they were too open about it. You understood the risks you took, but you were more than happy to learn and practice in the safety of your own space.

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