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The Cafe was almost empty today, must be because its a Monday, everyone is busy on a Monday, But Hoon didn't really care much about that, he would be quitting the Cafe  tommorow anyways, he was set on his new career path, he would be meeting his idol teammates tommorow, he got accepted into the group "LuminX" hooni sighed in relief at the though before getting interupted by a unexpected customer

"Excuse me?"

'Oh shit thats right im at work' Hoon thought, he looked slightly up at the customer 'Whoa he's tall'

"Sorry sir, how may I help you today"

"Yeah, can I get a tea with two brownies please"

"Sure, will that be all?"

"Thats all" The man began getting his wallet out.

"That will be 7.99" hoon watched at he got his wallet out 'I wonder if that guy is a band or something, he looks like he'd be part of one'

"Here" The man payed up

"Thank you, your order will be right out" and soon the man would take his seat. Hoon watched him carefully 'I'm so bored that I've began stalking people with my eye, I seriously need to stop' Hoon sighed 'He does look rather intresting though, not every day you get to see an emo boy'  He chuckled to himself

"Whoa you smile?" The man said, Hoon looked around 'Is he talking to me?'

"Yes you"

"Oh, uhhhh yeah"

"You looked all depressed when I walked in here, and distracted too"

"You sure are observant~" Hoon smiled


"Well I am at work. And there's almost no customers, soooo"

"Hm...understandable" the man smiled. Hoon couldn't help but smile back and soon his order would be ready, hoon grabbed the order and walked over to him and placed it down on the table infront of him "Heres your order Mr nosey guy"

"Thanks, pinkie"

"Pinkie now??"

"You got pink all over you, im just saying" The man chuckled

"Ha ha so funny" Hoon laughed and sat down with him. "I like you Mr nosey guy, whats your name?~"


"Nice to meet ya Taeming, I'm Hoon, Hoon Seok" He smiled

"Hoon Seok...okay, noted, I guess ill be coming over more often"

"Wellll, im quitting this Cafe tommorow so I won't be here"

"Tough, well then can I get your number?"

"Ill think about it once my shift ends" Hoon got up "So make sure to stick around~"

Tae have him a small confused look but then realized what he was doing and chuckled "Alright I will"

(An hour later)

Hoon's shift was done, he walked out of the staff room from getting all his stuff and saw Taeming waiting outside the Cafe, Hoon walked out of the building and looked over at him "Got bored of being inside the Cafe for an hour?"

"Nah, im just waiting for my prize, I waited this long you might aswell reward me" he smiled. Hoon chuckled and tossed him a folded piece of paper "Dont lose it now cause I won't be here tommorow~"

"I wont, promise"

"Good, as much as I'd love to keep hanging out with you i need to go get some rest for tommorow, its a big day"

"Same here, ill text you pinkie"

Hoon laughed and waved goodbye. And so they both returned to their homes.

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