first day

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hoon arrived at the studio where he would meet his new teammates and possibly get to know them alittle.
Upon arriving to the room he noticed Tae and immideatly brightened up "Hey! This must be fate~" he smiled.
"Oh, wow, never thought I'd see you here"
Hoon was relived to see him as he had been growing alittle anxious about the meeting.
The group members each introduced themselves, There was Angie and Hinata who were both teenagers, So hoon's stress immideatly went away, it was a cool concept for an idol group, he also noticed that he was sort of matching aesthetics with Angie and immideatly got along really well with her.
Hinata had a "mean" face, or atleast thats what hoon thought, but it only made him want to talk with hinata more, he immideatly started calling him "emo" just to see him get mad cause he found It funny, but in their own way, they got along.
After a long talk with the members and getting to know eachother Hoon felt a huge amount of peace in his mind.
He glanced over to Tae 'Ill be working with him from now on...this will be interesting~' he smirked to himself

"And whats got you smirking like that?"

Hoon was caught by surprise 'how the hell did he notice that?' "Oh nothing, just thinking about all the fun were all going to have~"

"Im still shocked to find out im going to be preforming with you, especially after yesterday, I guess it really is fate hm?" Tae smiled.

Hoon nodded "of course, can't wait to work with you Mr nosey"

"Right back at you pinkie"

They both laugh.

Soon enough after some months it was time to debute LuminX with their first ever song and choreography, it was a mix of rock and pop and it did extremely well, immideatly everyone was invested into LuminX. The group was proud and happy with the results of the debut.

"Wow! We really hit the charts huh??" Hoon said proudly looking at his phone.

"We really did, I hope we can keep thr hype though, il admit its not gonna be an easy road" Tae said

"No need to worry! Well do just fine! I have hope in us!"
Angie smiled

"Well...our first song did really well, so I doubt we'll be put down that easy"
Hinata nodded.

More time later, its been about half a year since their debut and a few more other song had been produced, the group decided to live inside the same home for work purposes like practice, discussion just to make it easier, everyone was down with the idea and mostly because it would be fun.
And so then the group would move in, each decorating their rooms to their liking, there was debate with the outside rooms such as the living room but they all decided to mix up abit and made it looks nice.

Hoon was unpacking his stuff leaving a complete mess of neon lights, LED lights and other stuff. "Cmon...just alittle more..." he was reaching to the roof on a chair with a string of LED lights on his hand "why is this ceiling so damn high???"

Tae peeked inside as he heard the commotion "need help?"

Hoon looked over "well well, the eifle tower is here"

"Or maybe you don't need the help"

"WAIT!!" he got off the chair "Please help me I've been struggling for 20 minutes!"

Tae chuckled "Hmm"

"Cmon, help this delicate man in distress"

"Well if you insist, what were you trying to hang?"

"These LED lights, I put the at the edge of the ceiling" Hoon passed over the lights.

"On it" he got up the chair and easily placed the lights on. After about 20 minutes of placing them all around the room they finally finished.

"Thanks a bunch I was about to have a fit!"

"No problem, ill be here if you need to reach the cups and plates in the kitchen"

Hoon rolled his eyes and chuckled "Anywaaayysss, I have lots of decorations to put up"

"I can help put more if you want, im already done with my room"

"Already??? I so need to go see it after this, I wonder if its all dark and emo in there"

"Oh cmon, im not hinata"

"I heard that!!" Hinata yelled

Hoon laughed "Ill take the help then~" He began unboxing more of his neon lights, all shaped into hearts or quotes.

Tae nodded and began unboxing. After some time Tae came across a box filled lots of drawings of Hoon inside, even some paintings "Did you draw these Hoon? They looks really good, and they all seem to be the same person.." Tae carefully grabbed a piece and held it up high.

'Shit I forgot those were there'

"Uh, no, I didn't draw those"


"Belive it or not. That was me in highschool, I look way different now huh?"

"Wow, you sure do, looks like you found yourself hm?"

Hoon smiled and nodded 'You wouldn't  hurt...just this once...' 

Hoon walked over to Tae's side and grabbed the drawings and spread them "A boy made these for me before he passed away, it was his way to show his love for me"

"I see..." he looked at the drawings "Even though this is a different you, i can still see the current Hoon in the drawing, he really captured everything about you"

"You think so...?"


Hoon smiled at Tae 'im so sorry for your loss...I understand how you must feel...' Is the answer Hoon was expecting.

'For the first time...i...'

Hoon teared up

'Why am I crying now...I dont...'

Tae immideatly noticed, he didn't say anyhting and instead hugged Hoon. The silence was enough to let Hoon sob for quite some time, wich is exactly what he needed, he didn't want anyone's pity or words of affirmation just a shoulder to cry on, and he'd finally get it after so long.


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