A seperated Pair

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Now back to being by themselves in a place they are unsure of, Sebastian and Lila now have even more challenges to face and the first one is finding a way through the wall to one another, the other challenges will come with time but for now, there is nothing that is a threat to them just yet. Lila continues along the path next to the wall making sure she is still close to Sebastian even if there was a wall in the way, she gets to a small separate path that I still near the wall but it looks like it changes direction up ahead but she isn't 100% sure if it does or not so she is incredibly hesitant to take to the new path and so she decided to stay on the old until she saw it disappears through the wall, so she just waits until she hears Sebastian at the same spot on the other side of the wall. Lila doesn't hear anything or anyone for a while so she decides to take the new path hoping that will lead her somewhere she knows or at least back towards Sebastian, as she wanders along the path hoping for something to help her, she starts to hear something around her, Lila stops for a moment checking to see if she is just hearing herself walk or if something is really there.

Lila continues on the new path until she finds another split, the new path leads to somewhere that looks familiar and the old path continues towards to wall, she was very torn on what path to choose, because if she chooses the current path will she find Sebastian but will whatever is following her find her first, or if she goes the new path and heads towards familiarity does that mean she is out of wherever she is and that she is safe. Lila stands there thinking about Sebastian and the paths and what to do and where to go, but in the silence of her thinking, something starts to make the trees move towards her. Without even thinking Lila just starts running down the same path she was already on because she was so scared, she didn't even think about the potential dangers that would lie ahead of this path, she kept running until she got to a door and before she could even grab the handle to open the door, that handle started to rattle and shake like something was trying to open the door to her.

Sebastian, on the other hand, had a pretty fast-paced path after the wall went up the trees started chasing him down and then something was running after him, but he couldn't see what it was, he tried to stop somewhere to figure out what to do but any time he slowed down it felt like something was grabbing onto his shoulder pulling him back into the trees. So, because Sebastian didn't want to get trapped in those trees he just kept running until he noticed that the path splits apart, so as he is running for his life, he had to decide on which path to choose, the left or the right one. Without any thinking, Sebastian ran down the left path, but he soon started to notice that everything that was happening behind him had started to stop, so he decided to slow down and walk so he could figure out where he was and where he was going next on the path. As he kept walking he noticed another split in the path, one leading back to the lake where he left his girlfriend Emily and another that didn't look like it had an end, he questioned himself on whether he should go back to the girlfriend who uses him and cheats on him but then he also uses her so that his family doesn't think he is a failure, and that there was the moment he realised why he was doing all this, why he was trying to find a girl he just met and make sure she is safe and not hurt in any way.

From the silence, Sebastian just yells out that he doesn't love Emily and he doesn't think he ever did, so he just continues on the path that looks like it doesn't end because he may have only just met Lila, but he does know he cares about her even if it is just as friends, he still cares about her. As Sebastian was walking along the path, he started to hear his name being called from behind him, it sounded like his mother, but he knew it couldn't be, but he was also so tempted to turn around and just hope that she was standing there calling his name, calling him back to her, calling him home again. He wanted to turn around so bad but also wanted to make sure that a complete stranger wasn't in any danger, he kept walking along the path walking a little faster with each step just to get away from whatever was calling out to him with his mother's voice and to try and get closer to Lila hoping that nothing bad has happened to her. It looked as though Sebastian was reaching the end of his path so he tried to find another just in case there was a wall up ahead, but instead, when he got to the end of the path he had found a door, he was hesitant to open the door because he wasn't sure what was going to be on the other side but he decided it is better to open an unknown door then to wait and see what was calling out for him.

Sebastian grabbed the door handle but when he started to turn the handle and just move, he could feel that it stuck and wasn't moving, not because it was locked but because something didn't want him to get through to the other side, which has to mean that Lila is right on the other side of the door. He thought about what to do for a moment because if she was at the door then she might be terrified by the door handle moving without knowing that he was on the other side, so he decided to call out to her hoping for a response so he can get her help in getting that door open and figuring out a way to get out of this place. Now back to the other side with Lila, while she stands there more terrified than ever, she hears Sebastian telling her that he is on the other side of the door and that he needs her help to open that door. Lila grabs the handle from her side to brace her as Sebastian pulls on the door and she slams herself into it from her side, trying to force the door and just figure things out, but just has Lila charges at the door and Sebastian pulls the door back the door just vanishes into thin air and Lila ends up running straight into Sebastian and end up falling to the ground.

As they fall to the ground, Sebastian wraps his arms around Lila to protect her while they fall when they land Lila realises that the door had disappeared, and she had just rammed shoulder first into Sebastian's chest. Lila pushes herself up off of Sebastian making sure not to make things weird or awkward, but as soon as she stood Sebastian jumps and just wraps his arms around making sure she is okay and not hurt in any way. Lila thought about pulling away but instead, she just stayed and embraced the hug that was happening, once the hug was over, they both just looked at each other a bit knowing that they were safe together but after some time passed, they realised they need to find a way out of this place otherwise they won't be safe ever again. They looked around just trying to find another path or something that may help them get out of this strange and crazy forest, they found something that resembled a path, but it looked faded and broken like it hadn't been touched for years, and that was the path they took, and they knew it would be safe as long as they stay together no matter what happens. They walk the path hand in hand holding on tight making sure that their hands can't come apart, the more they walk the path the more they notice that the trees start to disappear and it starts to open up around them, and then they get to the end of the path and end up in another small forest, expect Lila seems to recognise what is around them enough to lead them to her cabin. 

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