Chapter 8

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Somewhere in the border of the Clover kingdom and Diamond kingdom

3rd POV

there was a thing that look like a Mess up houses that been bury. It was a Dungeon

Hunterguy: What the hell is that

Somewhere inside the newly discovered Dungeon somewhere dark

Asta: How about Toritaro

Noelle: Silvantuz schnauzer

Rimuru: would you two please stop its been hour when you two start picking name that sound suck.

They turn they're heads to me

Asta&Noelle: then why don't you think a name yourself

Rimuru: NO!!!

Luck think for a moment while thw anti-bird is in his shoulder

Luck: How about Nero?

Anti-bird raise its right wings

Asta&Noelle: Whaaaaat????!!!!!!

Rimuru: Finally

A few hours ago in Blackbull hideout

Yami: Listen up.  We got a report came saying that a new Dungeon was discovered

Asta on the ground, Noelle crouch down in the ground, Rimuru was seating leisurely in the couch with Vanessa and Magna and luck seating in Asta's back all turn around to Yami

All of them except rimuru: A DUNGEON!!!!!

Magna: For real???


Rimuru: Whats a dungeon?

Magna: What you don't know what a dungeon is? a you an idiot?

Asta: Yeah whats a dungeon?

Magna: What you don't know too you were too cheerful earlier

Asta: i was just playing along

Magna: Dungeon is you see a structure of the ancient people left an artifact there too a rare ones

Magna: its an incredible structure where magic items where just laying around

Luck: However some dungeon has some dangerous trap well they were afraid that it be use by evil people.

Asta: Ohh???

Rimuru: So what now Captain are any of us here chosen to do some investigating there?

Yami: Yeah sharp bastard it was located in the border of Clover and Diamong kingdom

Asta: Sir choose me please

Yami: Asta, Noelle, and Rimuru you 3 are chosen by the wizard king

Asta: chosen by the wizard king? Yeaahhh

Magna: Asta thats awesome where did you met him?

Asta: I have no idea

Rimuru: he is disguising himself as the granny that we help Asta

they all look at me


Asta: Then why didn't you tell me?

Rimuru: Did you ask???

Asta: oh right but why??

Rimuru: might be test for us why he let the robber get his money

Rimuru x Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now