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Class was now finally over! You were now sitting down a nearby tree as you ate your snack 'gosh why tf is it so hard to make friends?' you groaned as you munched on your food aggressively, you have a habit of eating harshly when your nervous, overwhelmed,stressed or any other negative feelings and you use food to calm you down

'Food is life'
You thought as you continued eating
Failing to notice a presence next to you

"Hello.." a voice said making you yelped as you quickly turned your head towards the voice

You quickly take in on what he looks like, he was quite tall he's hair was also quite long the spikes of the hair makes him more masculine than feminine, his beautiful blue eyes are probably my favourite thing to look at
It was very pretty it reminded me of the Ocean.

"Erm miss? Are you alright?" Your thoughts were interrupted as the person spoke you quickly stood up and shook your head "A-ah I'm sorry for staring, do you need something?"
You said as you dusted of your uniform

The person shook their head "oh Ah no no it's just that this is usually where I stay during break, I didn't think anyone would be here" he said as he put his hand behind his neck scratching it slightly.

Oh OH your eyes widen as you quickly backed away from the spot you once were "I'm sorry I didn't know!" You bowed " Please don't bow, you can just sit with me if you'd like? That way both of us can still stay in this spot" he suggested you looked up at him thinking for a moment

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I can just leave" he nervously said making you shake your head and smile "no no this is your spot so it's only fair you get to be here well ofc if you don't mind me also being here?" You said you also noticed that he has been frowning the whole time making you think that you did something wrong "no I don't mind
I'm the one that suggested it first after all" he chuckled then sat down "my name's aizetsu btw" you smiled then sat down next to him.

"Well aizetsu my names Y/N also thank you for letting me sit here with you" "it's no problem" he said, you then finally got a closer look in face making you tilt your head in confusion "is something on my face?" He said

You then shook your head and laughed awkwardly "it's just that you look just like those twins that were in my class" you chuckled "oh..do you know what they look like?" "They look just like you the only difference is the colour of their eyes he had yellowish eyes while the other had green, the teacher mentioned their names but I forgot" he then laughed abit before speaking again "I see you met my brothers urogi and karaku" you tilted your head as you processed the information in your head "brothers? are you three triplets?" He shook his head "Quadruplets and a younger brother" you nodded but then widen your eyes

"Quadruplets!? You mean there's another one that looks like you and mini one?"
He then nodded "yeah his name is sekido, he gets angry alot while the youngest is zohakuten he's actually alot more mature than other kids his age"

"Ah well since we're introducing our siblings I guess I should tell you about my brothers" you said making him perk up and look at you with interest

Y/N and aizetsu spent the whole break talking about random stuff and both of them even liked the same colour which is blue

"Hey are we friends now?" His voice suddenly turned soft
That question made you tilt your head
"Of course we are!" You excitedly say before becoming nervous once again
"I mean that is if you want to..?" This question made him smile while nodding his head

"Then it's settled as of right now we're


I apologise for the short chapter!

(Update: sorry I haven't posted yet I'm kinda out of ideas 💡)

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