Truth Or Dare

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"Who's up for a game of T or D?!" Louis exclaimed into the microphone, standing on the shiny stage in his new lavish mansion. The party was an album release party for 'Take Me Home', but it was just a bunch of business men in suits and ladies in skin tight dresses talking about irrelevant things and... making that annoying, obnoxious laugh you see on TV. You know, the "Har Har Har" laugh? You were not having fun at all. You were trying to avoid the crowd for Truth or Dare, when a familiar big hand grabbed your wrist. You sighed when you met his green eyes, "Come on! It'll be fun!" Harry Styles told you with a wink, you couldn't deny, the boy was really good looking. "Okay. I'll do it. But no funny stuff." You warned, following the boy toward a now open circle in the middle of the living room. You sat on a couch, directly across from none other than Liam Payne. He gave you a shy smile and then looked away. You and Liam had a weird past. You two were inseparable friends when you were younger, up until your 14th birthday, when you two had an... interesting conversation.

I had just finished opening all my presents and was now walking toward my best friend, Liam Payne, as he gave me one of his award winning smiles. I giggled and came over to him, giving him a big hug as he indulged into the chocolate cake. Although you'd decided on vanilla cake this year, you made one special part of the cake chocolate... Just for Liam. "Can I talk to you in your room?" Liam asked as you two stood, your arms still interlocked around him. You smiled and nodded, as he tossed his stuff in the trash and took you up to your room. You both sat on your bed, looking at each other with big eyes. "You... do you have something to say?" You asked Liam, crossing your legs from under you. He nodded his head yes, but he was slightly shaking. "Are you okay-" He cut you off when his hand found the back of your neck dragging your face to his. He stopped just a little, so your lips were touching but not caught up in each other. "I really... just want to kiss you. So no one else can take your first kiss... okay?" He said deeply, which shocked you, because he was usually one to have a high pitched voice. You didn't know how to answer. "I want to take it. No one else can..." He whispered against your lips, until he finally kissed you. Your lips frozen, your tongue tied, your words everywhere but on your tongue. Yet, you enjoyed it. Though you didn't participate too much in it. Liam brought his mouth from yours, his hand still on your neck. He then dropped it, as if he was waiting for you to run off. And against all better judgement, you did.

Since then, you haven't spoken a word to your friend, and you know it hurts him. One day, you were just sitting around when Harry called you. You were totally caught off guard, but he kept asking you the silliest of questions, and you soon began to realize he didn't call you to tell you anything remotely serious. He was probably bored in the studio because during your conversation, you could hear multiple voices singing in the background. He talked to you about a lot of stuff, not mentioning Liam once. Soon, nearing the end, you heard Liam yell at Harry for taking his phone and hung up without knowing who Harry was talking to. Harry, however, stole Liam's phone a week later and put your number in his phone so he could call you for irrelevant reasons whenever he wanted to. But you didn't mind, Harry was a good guy. Soon, he declared you his best mate, among all others, making Liam extremely jealous.

"Truth or dare, Zayn?" Louis asked, giving his Bradford friend a fiendish smile. Zayn gulped down his nerves and answered, slowly glancing at Perrie. "T-Truth?" He said unsure. Louis rolled his eyes, tapping his chin for a question. "Zayn? This one's about Perrie..." The Doncaster Sass Master told him. Visible sweat was forming on Zayn's head, as he looked back over to Perrie. He was oddly afraid that Louis, however he did, would find a way to ruin his really good relationship with her. "Do you love her?" Louis finally spoke. Zayn smiled wide, wider than before, "Yes. Way too much to even put into words." Zayn finally gave Perrie a kiss on the lips, and she smiled wide. "I love you too." All the single people in the room groaned, but all the couples started to whoop and holler. "Kay, (Y/N)?" Louis asked, another crazy smile taking his face again. "Dare." You didn't realize what you said until you finally said it, and prepared yourself to deny it, but Louis held his hand up. "I dare you to take him," He jolted his finger at Liam nonchalantly, "To the bedroom!" Everyone laughed at that, but Louis was completely and utterly serious. You decided it wouldn't hurt. There were no rules, you didn't have to do anything. You walked over to Liam and confidently grabbed his hand, as Louis' eyes widened.

"So..." Liam said, his voice slightly caught up. His back was tightly pressed against the headboard, and you awkwardly sat at the end of the bed, glancing at him once in a while. "Why'd you really kiss me?" You blurted out, years of pent up emotion was starting to get to you. "Huh?" He asked, pulling himself closer. "Why did you kiss me... on my birthday? Was it some kind of joke?" Liam realized, but didn't look phased by it. "Remember that weirdo, Rocky (I tend to use this name a lot, now)?" Liam asked you, now sitting directly next to you, his legs behind your back but his torso turned to you. You nodded, scrunching your eyes up in confusion. "Well, he was always bragging to his friends that one day, he'd steal your first kiss. And then... steal something else." He said, with his head down. You nodded for him to continue though he couldn't see you. "I was beyond pissed that he would even think of touching you in that way. And I wasn't pissed because I was your best friend. I was pissed because... I knew that he had a better chance with you than I would ever." He said, a slight tear forming. You quickly wiped away, as a mother would to a child, and wrapped your arms around him. It suddenly hit you. In that moment, you wanted to be with Liam James Payne forever. The sweet, kind, and adorably quirky best friend who stole your first kiss solely to keep some creep like Rocky away from you. Who made sure that boys didn't try to touch you in the wrong way. Who took you to the movies every Saturday as a tradition. Who made you face your fears of speaking in public. Who... made you, you. And as you pulled off him, you gave him a smirk. "I just wanted you to be mine. To know I never have, and never will have to share you. That you'll be my love, and I'll be yours. That I was your first, you were my first. I was selfish to think you'd like me like that. But I couldn't stand the fact that someone else wanted you. I wanted you to be mine, all mine, forever." Liam said again, the tears free falling. You sighed and kissed his cheek, "You're a nerd, you know that?" You spoke in a raspy voice, suddenly realizing you were crying too. "A cute, funny, and awkward nerd that I wanted to be my first. You know why no girls ever came around you?" He shook his head no, "Cause I threatened them with a banana. They actually believed I would stab them with it." He burst out laughing and you smiled, you'd accomplished getting your best friend to laugh again. "Liam, kiss me." And he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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