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- "....... The person whom you are trying to call is not answering your call at the moment, so please try again later......" Ahh , why are you not picking up Y/N , said Nayeon ... Frustrated because she has been trying to contact you for hours straight now....
-  Yeah , Yeah I know if Nayeon would be calling you than who is not going to answer..... ( But let me specify it for you ...)
-  Well it  is not the first time, that it is happening ..   You keep on rejecting her , even if you did pick up then you will hang up first and faster than ever before....For her it is clear that you are trying to avoid her , but for what reason ..She would not know until and unless you share it with her...
-  All she wants to do is to figure out why you are avoiding her ...... Her mind keeps on telling her that breakup is near, as couples only avoid each other when they have lost interest in each other .....But she doesn't want it to end.....Afterall you guys have been together for nearly 2.5 years and the fact that she is preparing to propose you...( Yes , for a male reader, just so you know a female can propose a male....)
-  So , what she plans to do is to go to your house, as this is the only possible place where she can find you,.....since she has already asked your friends that you are  not with any of them and they also share the same concern about how you are not replying to their texts or answering your phone calls - kind of like you have cut off your friends as well ..
-  She went out of her dorm sneakily and now standing infront of your house ... She thought you can't be late to return from your work as this is weekend and ofcourse you are supposed to be at home devouring the leisure time at home.,by playing games,  most probably... What stinks her the most is that you are not with her and just leave that all aside you have stopped sending her even good night and morning messages.....
-  She doesn't ring the doorbell as she directly enter your house with the help of the spare key she got from you., as she also likes to visit your house as her own.... To be honest she consider it even better than her dorm as this is the place where you guys have created some of the most uniquely wonderfull memories....
-  " Y/N ..... , Look your cute and pretty girlfriend is here to meet you and you should be on your knees by now, because you have been ignoring this beautiful woman for a whole week..." , said Nayeon..with some mixed emotions...
-  But all she got was nothingness....
-  "Where can you be , now ? , thought Nayeon, in her head...
-  So , she decided to check your secret diary, that you kept in your almirah in your shared bedroom , ( though you don't know that she knows about your personal journal, she didn't want to make you upset by telling you that she do know about it as when she reads it for first time secretly  , as she was surprised to find a diary in there when she was Cleaning your room, she found how much love you have for and also how much you love to see her smile 😁. which made her really emotional)
-  " Dear  Diary, Well it has been a year and I have started to loose hope, that I am ever going to be able to pay the complete loan which I took from a bank for the operation of my father... "  , read Nayeon , wait what a loan.    But ... Y/N told me that they had enough money that they don't need to take loan or someone's help for dad's operation ( she is so much into you that she has started to refer to your parents as her own and same goes for you )
-  She was already feeling a sort of betrayal as she considers you to be a team and partners in every crime and through thick and thin, but this..... this just speaks about for her .... as if you don't consider her trustworthy enough to share such a piece of information with her, especially when she keeps on asking if You need any help... as she is already aware that you are not born with a silver spoon and neither you have one now...
-  She decides to read till the last page which is surprisingly not the date of yesterday but of the last week, showing you have not written ahead, maybe because you are too busy in paying back the loan...  since she has already read the entire journal, so now she is aware that you are facing a lot financial problems because you are literally handling three jobs. ......Not an easy task for anyone, but still you are not being able to earn enough money to completely pay off the loan....  So she search for the loan slip to find exactly how much money is needed to be paid and to whom,
-  And then she literally paid The entire amount needed to be paid including the interest...., suddenly she hears the door lock opening and then getting close, she knew you have arrived at seriously 3 AM
-  She was ready to just scold you for how foolish you are, of course she was heartbroken to see you in such a miserable condition... but she knew she needs to make it loud and clear that you are in a da*n relationship and this doesn't just mean that you have to be lovey dovey with each other, but the real meaning of it lies in such situations as you have to be together in every worse or good situation you may came across in life.....
-  " babe, what are y.... " You were not even able to complete your sentence as she literally slap the words and reckless-ness out of your head ...
-  "Don't call me that, when you don't even mean it or know it...." ,Said the bunny 🐇 in a furious manner.
-  "what are you talking abo...." , once again, you were not able to complete, as she cut-off  in mid ..
-  " talking....what am I talking, seriously, Don't you dare to be oblivious right now...." , nayeon was seriously fuming and you were getting scared for your life as you had never seen her so much angry ever before....
-  " Bu ... " once again you were cut off but this time not because of nayeon...
- " wait second, bun bun , my phone is ringing....looks like.." , you were afraid to answer the call as you see the bank firm on the caller ID....
- " Hello, Yes...... well , I am his girlfriend., and yeah I paid the loan and yeah don't bother him anymore..." , said Nayeon., as she snatched your and hangup after speaking...
- " so you were mad because of this..." , you asked, literally in shock...
- Of course I was, idiot...
- but nayeon, you don't really need to do so , and how did you know about it ...
- it is not important...., Said nayeon
- It argue back, soon you see your jornal on the bed and that's when it strikes how she came to know...
- " Just listen, Y/N. We are a couple. We should not hesitate to share any information with each other.. You have hurt my feelings.. I thought we are committed enough to share anything with each other....But looks like I was wrong...". , said with tears in her eyes
- " Bun , Well it was not because I don't trust you but because I don't want you to think that I am using you for your money...., But please don't cry like this,  I promise I will not repeat my mistake twice..." You said reassuringly
- " you better not, cuz I love you so much..." , said nayeon.. kissing you
- " I love you too..." you replied and hugged her...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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