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LANDON HAD JUST FINISHED BEING CHECKED UP, his thigh wound wrapped up tightly

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LANDON HAD JUST FINISHED BEING CHECKED UP, his thigh wound wrapped up tightly. He sat on the concrete, fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

He felt like shit, and he looked at shit. His hands were consumed of blood. His own, Mindy's and Anika's.

Somebody being slammed against a car interrupted Landon with his thoughts, as he looked behind the car to see Chad and Ethan. In all honesty, Landon had no energy to step in and let them handle it themselves.

" I had Econ, you know this and Landon knows this!" Ethan defended himself.

This wasn't enough for Chad. "Bullshit, man! You disappear, and my sister almost gets killed!"

"Dude, I was in a study hall with a hundred other people. You can ask any of them." Ethan explained.

Chad finally pushed Ethan away. "Fuck, man."

Ethan looked past the yellow tape to see a body. "Oh my god, who?" Chad saw he began to slightly panic.

"Anika and Quinn. Landon's safe. Hes over there." Chad pointed to the pavement by the ambulance.

Ethan noticed that Landon wasn't looking this direction and instead straight in front of him.

Before approaching his boyfriend, Ethan went towards Mindy. "Mindy, I'm so sorry."

"Step the fuck back." Mindy demanded. "You're at the top of my list."

" I had Econ!" He urgently tried to convince them, but he saw it wasn't getting past her.

The Landry boy sat down next to Landon, looking at his face. He couldn't help but notice little to no emotion.

" Hey- I'm so sorry i wasn't there." Ethan started. " I will do anything to make sure you are oka-" The Landry boy was cut off by Landon's lips locking with his.

It took Ethan by surprise, but he immediately began to kiss back. It was full of passion, and all different types of emotion.

Landon finally pulled away, before resting his head on Ethans. " Anika's gone." He whispered.

Ethan brought his hand up to Landon's hair, brushing it through his curls and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. They didn't say anything else but sat there, thinking about the future going ahead with ghost face.


The group were lead by Gale to an alley, claiming she discovered something they had to see. Which wasn't the best with the predicament they were in but Landon decided against commenting on it.

" Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently they used fake name to rent this place." Gale informed them.

" How did you find it?" Kirby questioned. Landon finally discovered who she was.

"Its called 'investigative journalism' for a reason." Gale sassily shot back. "How didn't you find it? Weren't you tracking them?"

"I went through their financial records dozens of times. This was not in any of them. Doesn't make sense." Kirby explained.

Ethan and Landon stuck together at the back. Hand in hand, Ethan noticed Landon kept looking around every second.

He caught his boyfriend's attention and gave Landon a comforting smile.

" Don't worry, I'm just really good at my Job. You'll get there." Gale stated before swiping her card.

They walked through the black door, noticing there were many gates leading to get in.

"What is this place, whats with all the security?" Kirby asked the question everybody else was thinking.

"Its a movie theatre." Sam stated, looking around.

"It's not just a theatre. Its a shrine." Gale finished, revealing a bunch of items used from the past. Such as the ghostface costumes, weapons and other things dedicated to the Woodsboro murders.

Landon grabbed Ethan's hand and walked around with him. Landon felt some sort happier looking around at all this. He was always a big fan of history.

He came across a case with a drawing of Casey Becker. "Psst." Landon caught Ethan's attention. "Fun fact of the day, Mr Landry, my dad dated that poor girl. I mean- atleast he didn't turn out like Steve."

Ethan couldn't help but admire the big smile on Landon's face. " Thank god, or else you wouldn't be here." He continued on. " And what would i do without you, Mr Laurier."

Landon gasped sarcastically. "You would probably be ever so miserable without me."

Both boys had smiles across their face. Ethan looked down at Landon's lips, before looking back at his green eyes.

In sync, they leant towards each other, sharing their second kiss of the day. For a moment, they forgot about everything going on around them. It was just Landon and Ethan, and Ethan and Landon.

Gale's voice pulled the boys away from eachother, but they continued to intertwine their hands. "The killer must have found this place before he murdered Jason and Greg. Then he took the masks off the mannequins. All nine, from Stu and Billy to Amber and Richie."

"So- somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" Chad questioned.

"Someone who believes that Sam masterminded Woodsboro." Gale stated.

" If this were a normal Stab movie, this would be the killer's lair." Mindy remarked.

Landon jumped in at this. "But it's not a normal stab movie!" He exclaimed, pointing at Mindy, who grinned at his statement. "I've taught you well."


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