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"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."j.k wroling,i cant spell.

Hello,im yn black daughter of sirius black.

im starting my first year of hogwarts my god brother Harry.Potter will be showing me around and taking care of me while i take my classes hes in his seconed year, i also ,et the weasly's they were all lovley aspecially ginny harry and ginny are  together which is really cute ron doesn't seem that happy tho lol.

As soon as I get home I see my dad with my suitcase already and packed lovingly by him.we start getting every thing else ready like and extra bag some pj's and all my night routine thing like skin care and hair things.

as soon as we get to kings cross i tick of my list i had prepeared so i dont forget anything. after i reasured me and my dad i had every thing my dad pased my 1000 galleons ,i was very greatfull, i gave my dad a little peck on the cheek and boarded the train i waved my dad goodbye and went to go find Harry, Ron and Hermione .

 I sat down next to hermione when i heared someone say hey in a loud whisper it was a boy with blonde hair blue eyes and a black suit . he was with a girl i believe her name was Pansy Parkingson and a boy called Blaise Zabini but there was a boy i did not recognise he had browns curly hair chocolate brown eyes you could almost get losed in them, he had fear skin and a nice jawline {exuse the awkwared wording} he was very hansome then he spoke in a calm but deep voice ''im matheo the boy continued ''matheo riddle''in my opinion he looked way to hot to be a riddle, then he spoke again ''thanks'' he said and did a little chuckel and smiled. i instantly knew what he ment ''YOU CAN READ MINDES!i said shocked as everyone looked at me because of how loud i shouted ''sorry'' i said calmly to every who stared, then our eyes met and i think we both knew we had connections.

Pansy started giggling lifting her eyebrows at me and back down multiple times , i looked at her and said ''ohh stop'' she stopped but kept giggleing as  ourer eyes stayed for a little longer but then i lokked at hermione who was grining from ear to ear ''he's in the same year as u you know ;).'' then she had winked ate me i just rolled my eyes.

 a couple second's later a old woman asked would you like anything of the the trolly dear's i said no thank because i thoughti would save it and buy my dad something for when i come back for something ,but i lucked out because harry pulled out a lot of galleons and said in a exited manner 'we'll take the lot i looked at him in shock and he just grined however Ron had kidnapped all the chocolate frogs '' Ron you have to share i tured to look at pansy and the boys and said would u like anything? pansy said if Ron had'nt snatched all of the chocolate frogs i would have liked one of those so i snatched 1 of of Rons pile and gave it to pansy she smiled at me ''thank you y/n'' ''no problem,so i was wondering if u wanted to be friends mabey bestie?'' she smiled with glle and her eyes lit up when i sayed bestie ''this is going to be fun''  and i noded in agreement.

matheo then said can i have the bonbons please i passed the to him and my pinky touched his hand i felt buttiflies go threw my stomach as i pulled away and looked down when i looked baack ate him he winked at me and i felt the heat rise to my cheeks make me blush in a instant. 

love sick/matheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now