Midnight Hours

519 17 21

❝There's something I've been meaning to tell you❞


Layers of white painted the once grey paths, spreading for miles upon miles into the distance, the chilling white biting at the feet of any who dare walk upon it. That same white substance was falling from the sky in large, chunky flakes, gently gliding to the ground like feathers caught in a breeze. It was the epitome of picture perfect, but, as always, Tecchou thought something was missing. 

It was late, too late for anyone to be awake but too early for the street lights to turn off. It was the perfect time for someone to let loose, forget their troubles in a way. It was these times, between midnight and three A.M that Tecchou had always found quite refreshing. He had time to himself, something he doesn't usually get on a day to day basis.

He could get lost in thought, or wander around for hours upon end without being judged. However, as of recently he's been feeling as if something was missing. That same something, was conveniently the person he had been avoiding for the past few months. His coworker, Jouno Saigiku. 

He was unusually good at avoiding the other man, especially when he was trying to escape the detection of those heightened senses. But as it turns out, hiding from your blind coworker is surprisingly easy. 

Hazel hues turned to the pool of darkness embedded into the red brick wall. All he could see was himself, standing there in that woollen hat that flattened his wild brown locks, and the scarf wrapped so far up his face he could barely make out the petal tattoo's he had gotten when his mother had passed. 

He doubted anyone would recognize him, not with the snow falling, and not with these layers smothering his features. But he didn't really need to worry about that, it was barely two in the morning after all. 

The brunet let out a sigh, turning away from the glass and continuing his trek through the snow. It was hard to relax when his mind was focused on one person, and one person alone. He hated it, he really did. He hated that his heart beat rose whenever he stood too close, he hated how his face seemed to flush whenever he heard his name, he hated the fact that he had fallen for the biggest dickhead he knew. 

Jouno had done absolutely nothing to earn his affection, the blond had only been an annoyance. He would scold and berate anyone and everyone, he tended to pick on Tecchou the most as well. So why? Why did he fall for that? It was stupid. Embarrassing even. 

If Jouno found out, not only would it make things awkward but it would give the blond more of a reason to hate the brunet. Maybe it would be better if he found out though, it would give Tecchou the awakening he needed to not fall for assholes. 

And even if that one in a million chance of Jouno liking him back did happen, they wouldn't be allowed to take it further. Relationships in the hunting dogs were strictly friendship and nothing more. Fukuchi had told them that any relationship past friendship could not only mess with their priorities on the field, but it could also make the other hunting dogs feel awkward and unwelcome. 

When the brunet had complained to Tachihara about this, he had received the oh so helpful advice of "Dude I am shit with this, I literally had a one night stand with a mafia executive go ask Teruko or something." 

In the end, Tecchou did not ask Teruko, because everyone knew that Teruko could not keep a secret for the life of her. 

He was at a dead end, and he really, desperately, needed something else to think about. These snow covered streets gave him nothing. 

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