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cannibial-kisser f you're wondering comes from an incident that happened that year, at least that's what Manough told us. He said he saw him do something through the window because they're neighbouhrs, he is my neighbour too just like Manough.He looked after her because their parents ran away. But that night he was kissing. His sister. His 12 year old step-sister. Of course Joy couldn't resist an opportunity like that and posted it all over the internet.Now everyone was gonna know what for an disgusting Pedophile you really are,Charles Darko. It was horrible, everyone started to walk at least two meters away from him, giving him weird looks and gaging when he was around. I didn't want to help him or talk to him in any way, because i didn't want anyone to think i was fake. Once you pull off the ''big hero'' number you're a fake bitch for everyone. Even if your a guy. His sister, Luna had the worst time of her life. She was brought to the Psycho-Therapy Hotel in Hildeheim that same night because someone sent the police to the Darkos house. Mainly mentally disturbed people were brought there. She lives there since 5 years now. Actually I don't know how to feel about that sitouation. I think it's better for her.

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