May We Meet Again

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All right, it's been a while since this story has been updated! But finally got some motivation to write and I saw that there were still some scenes i'd already written that had yet to be posted so . . . here it is! 


It's the sad excuse of a window Bellamy finds himself standing before, again–the need to look out from somewhere too great. He needed to see, beyond the stars and to the blackened earth, a million thoughts streaking faster than lightyears through his mind.

The dream pulled him from a restless sleep so abruptly that he had nearly fallen out of his cot. And though the details have already faded, the fragments of radio silence and rubble are still sharp enough to draw blood.
He shakes the ghost memories away. Octavia is alive. Clarke is alive. In just a couple hours, they will be launching. In another hour, they will be landing. Not dying.

Just three more hours.

Bellamy presses the heels of his palms into his eyes, until the stars outside explode behind his closed lids.

"Not exactly the cinematic experience, huh?"

He ignores the joke and looks over at Raven. The lightness in her words is nowhere to be found in her eyes. He can't bring himself to joke back.

"I'm ready to get back to our own civilization," she says.

"What? A million stars haven't been enough for you?" Or maybe he can, just a little.

Raven smirks. "We should know better than anyone; the stars make lonely companions."

Bellamy purses his lips together in bitter agreement. He resists the urge to check the clock again. 

"Not long now," he murmurs, more to himself than to the woman standing next to him.

"Crazy how something that took so long can actually feel this . . . sudden."

Bellamy's gaze cuts from the stars back to her. He appraises the knot between her brows and the frown she's battling against and losing. He didn't miss that almost indiscernible quake in her voice.

If anything makes him believe they're more likely to die, it's when Raven struggles for bravado. He places his hand over hers and squeezes. "We're gonna be fine. You and that Shaw guy will land the ship. Then we'll find Clarke, and figure out how to get my sister and the others out of the bunker."

He refuses to let the doubt gnawing in his gut seep into his voice.

Raven nods, ponytail swinging. "Right. Piece of cake." She says it like she doesn't know he's lying.

Bellamy forces himself to smile. "Piece of cake."


There is not much solace to be found on a ship about to plummet to the earth.

He's tried to find it, but little seems to quell the tension mounting in his chest. Nothing seems to dry the sweat beading on the back of his neck.

It is the best Bellamy has felt in years.

"This will be rough," comes Shaw's voice. He stands at the center of the cryo room, arms crossed tight against his chest. Bellamy wonders if it's hard for him to be here. If he's tempted to glance at his comrades in ice. If he wishes, for the briefest of moments, that he were frozen again with them.

But of course, the pilot is stoic. He is a soldier, and soldiers give nothing away.

"We're probably gonna feel like marbles in a can, especially when we break atmosphere. That's when the real fun begins."

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