Act 1 - season 1

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Season 1 Episode 1
Alyssa's Pov. Whole story All Seasons
Discription of Where Alyssa is :
School with Marlee 'Mar" Her Best friend
at Alyssa and Marlees ( lockers right by eachother )
"Yk I think chris likes you " Mar said with a
giddy voice and a grin on her face. like she
knows everything about boys which she is usally
right .
" Yeah right"I say looking at her dead in the
eye as he walks by with a wide inisent
Smile. " yeah I am right" Mar said then Suddenly
my phone buzzez I check it but its just shane .
My dads best friend and partner. (they're cops )
So I Ingnore It till I'm in class
when the principal walks in to my fucking English
dass which my teacher hates me already
Do this doesn't make that sich any better .
"can I have Ms. Grimes" Principal Martin Says
"Ofc" MY bitchy teacher says. "Bring your Stuff Ms. Grimes"
My Principal Says . I look to Mar thinking he found
Something in My locker that Mar put there I was so
Mad at her . She looked at me and shruged .
I Grab My things and walk out of my class .
And low and behold it's Shane Walsh, I let out a sigh
of releat . The principal looks at me weirdly and
Says "I'll leave you 2 to talk" Shane thanks him
and nods " lyssa ... UMM .. " Shane said
will this never goes well. Maybe he found out
about the pot or My grades and is here be
my parents Love to send share on to parent me
IDK Why but wtv .
. "It's your dad" Share says as we stand in
My high school halway . I could tell I had hurt in my
eyes I was almost crying my mouth slitly
Dropped "is he alive ? " I blurt out Swallowing hard
on My Words my head spiraling .

" Hes in Surgury now ... lyssa it's my fault
there were 2 reported guys ina car armed
there was a 3rd guy I should of checked ..."
He went on and on the oft only thing
on my mind was carl my little brother
cut him off. " Does Carl & my mom know get"
I ask looking at my phone it 2:30 School, gets
out in 10 minsets. ( for me 20 for carl ) he's
In 6th grade he's 12 years old
"No you were closest I came here first, come
one I already cheacked you out. "Shame said
motioning for me to come with him I About 15 minutes later at carls school
We pull into the parking lot in Shanes COP car. With more following up my mom looked up
thinking it was Shane and my dad but only
to find Shane and me her daughter she gave a
Suspicious look to me and Shane.
Shave goes over what happened me spacing out
think about carl how will he react to this.

The bell rings ... Carl walks out my mom Lori
rubs my shoulder and looks at me . we walk
up to carl him suprised I'm here, I Never
Picked him up. he huggs me "Carl " I say
I really don't remember this convo it hurts to
much To remember it .


I hear shane walk into our house me and
carl Watching tv on our Couch "Hey Shane " I yell
"Hey lyssa, carl. Have you seen your mom ? " he asks
" Bed room" I say getting up going to the kitchen
to grab a candy bar for me and1for carl to I hand  it to him them my mom walks
out of the bedroom "lyssa, carl we need to go
now, like right now!" my mom says urgently.
"what why? " I ask getting up and walking to
my mom. "Ill explain later las. " She says " lyssa
grab your gun pack enough cloths for a week grab some Snacks to." Shane says While my mom is trying to
calm down carl. I walk to my room at a fast
Pase Put in My code to my Safe. What you
can't be Suprised My dad and uncle are cops. I learned how to shoot when I was 10 and got my gun last year. It was my dads old one so he gave it to me.
Anyway I pack and we got caught in highway traffic everyone had the same idea Ig. We met the Peletiers Ed, Carol, Sophia, and Conrad. Conrad's around my age and Sophia is around carls age.

-Time jump about 6 weeks later-

We were sitting in camp. Me and Conrad 'Connie'
Talking about random things then the radio sounds a voice coming threw.

"Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear my voice?" Me and connie ignore it and move on not listening to what going on with the radio.


Me, Shane, Carl and my mom are sitting around the fire pit unlit. Midday maybe early afternoon Shane's cleaning his shot gun, I'm drawing and my mom is giving Carl a haircut.

"Baby the more you fidget the longer it takes so don't ok?" My mom says to Carl. I look up from my page drawing my mom and brother almost done with it by now, carl can't stand getting his hair cut. It takes forever.

"I'm trying" Carl says not trying at all still moving. "Well try harder" my mother says. I have my music tape player with headphones attached playing. I hear something about frogs I don't really know what about them or why.

Then I hear a loud car alarm " talk to me dale" Shane says I take off my headphones and walk over with Shane.

"I can't tell yet" dale says
"Is it them? Are they back?" Amy asks she's really worried about her sister Andrea.
"I'll be damned" dale says with a smile.
"What is it?" I ask wondering if it's glenn.
"A stolen car is my guess" dale says

It drives up and glenn gets out. It's glenn he's alive. To much noise is going around so I can't exactly make out what everyone is saying. Amy is asking about her sister and Shane is yelling at glenn to pop the hood. Shane finally gets the alarm off.

"Are you crazy driving this wailing bastard up here?! - He's mad, really mad. - Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane says. "I think we are okay." Dale says. "Yeah if you call being stupid okay!" I say.

"Well, the alarm echoing all over these hills hard to pinpoint the source... I'm not arguing I'm just saying. It wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?" Dale says.

"Sorry. Got a cool car." Glenn says. He walks over to me. We hug and I pull out of the hug and smack him. "Owww" he says "What the fuck were you thinking!" I say "sorry Jesus. why are you so strong" he says "sorry" I say slightly laughing.

A truck pulls up and people reunite. I look at Carl you can tell he's sad that our dad wasn't on the truck and came back with the others. I am to even though we fought all the time I still love him and regret fighting with him all the time.

I walk over to Carl and my mom. "Hey bub it's ok you still have me and mom" I say hoping that will help a little bit. I hug Carl and look up.........I see father Rick Grimes. When he sees us he hesitantly points to us, not believing that we are there.

"Oh my god" he says under his breath. "Dad!! Dad!!" Carl says running up to him and hugging him. Me still standing like an idiot in disbelief. "Dad!" I say taking a deep breath and running up to him hugging him. My mom following me.

I have a plan for aylssa and ricks relationship literally a father daughter team. Can wait for that.

If you can't tell Conrad and aylssa are gonna end up together.

Love y'all!!

1338 words!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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