The Animator tries a gamble twice!
Yet sparks may fly beyond their giv'n intent–
Prepare, for great things come when lightning strikes.A second animation to present,
a second scrawl with lasers, fire, and ice –
Yet sparks may fly beyond their giv'n intent.When empowered, the bounds may not suffice
especially with a resolve unbent.
Take care, for great things come when lightning strikes.It would make sense based on the last attempt
that unknown outcomes are creation's price
for sparks may fly beyond their giv'n intent.Who deserves their fate? The one who incites?
Or the one who refuses to relent?
Beware, for great things come when lightning strikes.And after energy and effort spent,
look out! Should one attempt this venture thrice,
those sparks may fly beyond their giv'n intent -
Take care, for great things come when lightning strikes.***
Happy (approximate) anniversary to Animator vs Animation II! It's amazing that so much from this sequel has influenced the now of AvA. Happy Birthday to The Chosen One! Your life and legacy have been so influential and I'm excited to see where you're headed next.
Upon checking upload dates and the 10th-anniversary video, I couldn't find a sole date for AvA2's initial upload. I saw 04 Nov and 08 Nov, so I chose to post this on 04 Nov.
Thank you so much to everyone who has offered advice, looked over, and given feedback on TWO! I am so grateful for you all! <3 See the next paragraph for some of my thought process and personal interpretation of TWO! I may make minor word edits on this one in the future. As always I'd love to hear your thoughts and interpretations!
I feel that out of all of "Significance"'s parts, TWO was the hardest to pin down. I fretted over what to write and how to write this one for over twelve pages of brainstorming and the good part of a year! And then I thought of lightning and how that strangely fit AvA2. Lightning is agency, free will, justice. Lightning is inspiration and opportunity. Lightning is unpredictable. Lightning is Alan, The Chosen One, the Animator, fate, and the future. Lightning is mysterious. Lightning is not necessarily good or bad on its own, but big things - great things - can come of it. It felt poetic and mysterious and a bit like a riddle, so how about a poem?
TWO is a villanelle poem with a modified rhyme scheme. "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas is an example of an actual villanelle. If you'd like to see the rhyme scheme for this poem, see the reply to this comment! I have also tried to stick as closely as possible to iambic pentameter with varying success xP
And with TWO, this concludes Significance!*
Thank you first and most of all to Alan Becker. You've endeared these stick figures and their stories to us. AvA holds such significance and inspiration.
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented! And one last shout-out to everyone who has given me feedback, encouragement, and constructive criticism. I could not have finished this year-and-a-half-long project without you all <333
*Until AvA6 finishes in full!
General FictionWhat has been the impact of the main Animator vs Animation series, both in-universe and IRL? To celebrate the video anniversaries this year, I'm compiling my thoughts into five pieces on the videos themselves! Note: Each chapter represents a video a...