14 - limerance

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the day was spent later by a brief introduction of all participants and their schools. gunwook wasn't a fan. he was dying of boredom during ice breakers. mainly because him and naeun were separated into other groups.

"gunwook, right? i'm suji from cheongna high. shall we pair up for the hike?" the girl was caressing his arm, clearly with romantic intentions. he looked down at her, sighing, swiping his arm away from her reach.

"no, i'm good, and don't touch me, that's  weird." gunwook irks, walking away from her. he could see her friends whispering from a distance, sending glares his way. gunwook didn't mind if people mischaracterized him. he only cared how naeun perceived him in the end. he waits for naeun to return, standing awkwardly near the staff members.

instead of joining in with the rest of the students for the hike, he loiters around waiting for naeun's return. he had no interest in doing anything else if he was being brutally honest. gunwook was focused. he wanted to confess to her before the end of the trip, finally, he had mustered up all the courage in himself. gunwook refused to let any distractions to get in the way.

if he was feeling confident, he'd go the extra mile by asking for permission to court her. he was nervous, it was unlike his behaviour as he was headstrong and confident. confessing to naeun is deemed a special occasion.

naeun had observed the whole situation from afar. internally, she was doing the happy dance, seeing him reject another girl's offer behind her back. even if they weren't seriously dating, it felt reliving to see him turning down other girls. he truly hasn't changed a bit since they were kids.

gunwook was always closed off towards people. he never bothered bickering with others, but naeun was always the exception in every scenario. there was never another person in the picture. even with the endless amount of conflict they shared, they were still inseparable.

naeun sneaks up behind gunwook, back-hugging him. gunwook was smiling a little too hard for his liking. "tsk, get off of me. what's with your mood? your group was fun, i'm guessing?" he laughed, grabbing a hold of her arms and tightening them around his waist.

"actually, i hated it. i'm just happy i'm back with you, finally someone i can talk to." she sighed of relief. gunwook was ecstatic. the sound of her voice was the first thing he wanted to hear.

"was it that bad?" gunwook asked, turning to face her. she nodded dreadfully, holding her hair up, slowly realizing that she didn't have a hair tie on hand. a bead of sweat could be seen dripping down her forehead.

gunwook gazes at her, "you're on a camping trip. why are you so unprepared?" he scolded, scrunching up his sleeve to reveal a hair elastic.

naeun smiled at him as he lended her the hair tie. "thank you, gunwook. how'd you even get one?" 

"i bought a pack yesterday night." he shyly admitted, drooping his head down, pretending to observe the greenery.

"you're so whipped for me!" naeun teased. instead of denying it, he was smiling down at her. no matter what hairstyle she had on, without fail, she would look stunning. returning to his senses, he reciprocated the energy back, wiping the smile off his face.

"you missed me, right, naeun? that's why you're so clingy." he refrained from grinned ear to ear but continuously poked at her arm to annoy her.

"if it's a comfort to you, then yes, gunwook, i do miss you." naeun sighed, slapping his hand away.

he smiles, satisfied with her answer. sludging his arm around her shoulder, they follow the hike instructor, leaning their heads against one another while keeping a short distance from the group.

"so...why'd you reject that girl earlier?" naeun cough-whispers. awkwardly staring in the opposite direction. he began to trudge slower.

"because i have a girlfriend?" he sheepishly bursts into a giggle laughing at himself. naeun elbows him in the hip.

"whatever. this trail is getting tiring, wanna go back down?" she huffs out a tired breath, making smaller strides upwards.

gunwook swoops her up, immediately carrying her bridal style. her eyes widen, smacking his chest to let go of her. "stop, people are gonna see. put me down." her eyes follow the crowd. thankfully, they were the only ones in the back.

he obeys her order, gently propping her down. gunwook stands in front of her, tapping on his shoulders, motioning to grab on.

naeun laughs, he wasn't giving up. getting on his back, he piggybacked her for the rest of the hike. she was satisfied. gunwook wasn't tired but pretended to be just so that naeun would give him pity affection.


a/n ₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎

OOPS... it's been 25 days since i last updated🫡 i suck at writing, so if there's any errors, ignore it lol 👎 wish me luck for first week back to school.... (might drop more or less updates idk)

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