~ Episode 2 ~

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~~~Y/N's P.O.V~~~

I woke up and looked at the time. It was 7:30am. I went to the bathroom to prepare myself and was on my way to school at 8:15am. The teasing began when I got to school. My locker was written with words like 'FREAK', 'GET OUT OF THIS SCHOOL', etc.

I got home at 5pm as I was detained due to a misunderstanding. I was misunderstood as the one who threw a note to the head cheerleader of the school, Yeon Soyoung. Everyone in class snickered when the teacher yelled at me.

I dropped dead on my bed and slept off. The next thing I knew, I was brutally grabbed and thrown to the wall. Pain shook through my back, and I groaned. Auntie Eunchae was home, being drunk again. I opened my eyes and saw her trudged over to me.

Her eyes were bloodshot and scary. I cringed away in fear. She slapped my face a few more times before collapsing on the floor and snored away. I cleaned up the tears that were about to fall and struggled to lift Auntie Eunchae up. I needed to get her to her room, or she would make a fit the next day for not bringing her to her room. When I was done, it was already 3am. I quietly got into my bed and cried silently to sleep.

 I quietly got into my bed and cried silently to sleep

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~~~Jimin's P.O.V~~~

I got back home at 3am after screwing Haruna. I climbed into my window and stumbled into my bed. I was dead beat after the 'extra- curriculum activities' with Haruna. She is most definitely losing her touch as I was getting bored with her.

I woke up to the calls of my maid, Hyewon.

Hyewon: "Young Master, wake up!" And she shook me. I groaned in frustration and got up.

'Damn, I have school today. Should not have go to Haruna's yesterday.' I thought. I prepared myself and went to school.

School was like any other days except that Haruna clung to me even more and it was downright annoying.

When I got back home, it was already 5pm.

Hyewon: "Young Master, Master wants to see you in his office now." Hyewon told me once I opened the door. 'Oh God!' I thought.

I was dead beat as Coach made us ran laps. The last thing I wanted was my father's lecturing.

Mr. Park: "You will fetch Y/N from her house at 8:45am tomorrow and you two will go to school together." My father said once I sat down in front of him.

Jimin: "What the hell! Why do I have to fetch her?!"

Mr. Park: "Her address is 9610 Redwood Avenue. You may go now." My father ignored my question and continued with whatever he was doing. I got out the office, but not before slamming the door shut.

I tried to do my homework, but I was so angry that I scribbled on my notepad. I was so frustrated that I decided to screw my homework and go to sleep. I so did not want to face the girl tomorrow. SCREW MY LIFE!


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~~~Y/N's P.O.V~~~

I woke up with swollen eyes and cringed at my clock. It was 7:30am. Just then, Auntie Eunchae came in and snapped.

Eunchae: "Jimin will fetch you at 8:45am so get ready before he comes. I am going off now. DON'T make Jimin wait for you, got it?!" I nodded and she slammed the door shut. I got off my bed and did my morning routine. I wore my hoodie as I had bruises on my face. I also wore a pair of way-too-big pants and tucked into my white sneakers. I did not have makeup on as I did not have makeup. Auntie Eunchae said I still looked ugly even with makeup and I should also lose some weight. When I was done, I picked my bookbag which consisted of some stationaries and a notebook. It was 8:30am. I went downstairs and waited for Jimin.

The door rang 15 mins later and I opened it. I kept my head down as I did not want him to see my bruises.

Jimin: "Are you Min Y/N?" He asked irritably.

Y/N: "Yes." I mumbled. He tugged my chin up suddenly and standing in front of me is the most handsome guy that I have ever seen. He is about 174cm, which is 12cm taller than me. He has brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a white shirt which clung to every part of his body, showing his six packs and a pair of jeans. I unconsciously blushed under his stare, or rather, glare.

Jimin: "What happened to your face?" He asked, with a lace of concern in his voice.

Y/N: "I fell and hit my face on the floor." I lied.

Jimin: "Serve you right. You are the ugliest creature I have ever seen and I hate you." He commented nastily. I kept my head down again, tears swimming in my eyes.

Jimin: "Let's go. I have something to discuss with you in the car." He said before walking off.

Jimin: "We will divorce after I obtained my father's company. Meanwhile, I will continue with my playboy ways, and you will continue with your freak life. Got it?" He spoke. I nodded and looked down, playing with the hem of my hoodie. The whole journey remained silent, only with the soft playing of classical music in the background.

 The whole journey remained silent, only with the soft playing of classical music in the background

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~~~Jimin's P.O.V~~~

When I saw her like this, I so wanted to reach out and comfort her. 'What the hell are you thinking, Park Jimin?! I must be crazy for being concerned about her.' I thought. 'Must be lacking sleep, that is why...' I convinced myself before driving both of us to school.

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