Chapter Eleven ㅡ The YouTube Live.

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''Hello, stay!!''

With a warm greeting to his adoring fans, Minho took a moment to adjust the camera to ensure the best possible view. Flashing a charming smile at the screen, he carefully fixed his hair with a confident air.

Over the past few days, he has been caught up in a series of unfortunate events and has been struggling with negative emotions. In an effort to escape from the chaos and find solace, he came to the decision to go live and interact with his loyal fans, Stays.

''How are you doing, stays? All well?'' He asked and checked the comments.

We're doing fine Lee Know!!

왜 여기있어

저리 가요🙄

Ah, the bully is back

Can you pls like be nice for once? Like is it that hard?💀

당신이 싫어요

Lee Know!! We love you!!!


Minho sighed and backed away from the camera. Of course, the rude comments were there. It's not like they'd just disappear right? Minho honestly just felt like rolling his eyes and calling out every hater on camera, but he couldn't do that.

''Stay, today, I'm gonna be practising with Seungminnie. That's why... I'm here!'' He stated pointing around the room. ''In the dance room.''

''Lee Know, have... you... eaten? Of course, I have!'' He said answering a comment. ''I ate rice with Hyunjin, he told me to have lunch together so!''

''Lee Know-ssi, can I have Hyunjin?'' He read out a comment and a smirk made its way towards his lips. ''Nope! Hyunjin is mine. Y'all cannot have him!'' I answered, teasing stays.

''Then can I have Yongbok?'' He read out another one. ''No! Absolutely not. Yongbok is mine too!'' He said yet again and laughed a bit, finding all this a bit too amusing.

''Lee Know-ssi, then can we have Seungmin?'' Reading that, Minho's heart dropped.

His mouth involuntarily answered.

Minho blinked his eyes a few times to register what was happening.

Stay asked if they could have Seungmin..... Minho answered yes.... wait...

Minho yet again blinked his eyes a series of times. He said yes?

His eyes quickly turned to the comments, frantically running over them.


그를 떠나 우리에게 와, 미니 💖


감사합니다 민호 😭😭

Well, at least you left SOMEONE for us!! 😔✋🏻

No, no, no. This was not what he wanted!

Minho's eyes widen and he leaned on the wall behind him in shock. How the hell can he be so stupid!? Had he lost his mind!?

His eyes yet again turned to the comments, all of them being about stays cheering now that they had Seungmin to themselves.

No... this wasn't it.

His fists balled beneath the camera.

Seungmin was his. There was absolutely no way he was going to let someone take the boy away from him. Not even his fans.

Once again, an unsettling feeling washed over him, causing a sense of unease to spread throughout his body. It felt as though a tangible sense of negativity was seeping into his veins, creating a feeling of discomfort that was difficult to shake.

Minho wanted to laugh at his stupid self.

Was he seriously getting jealous over stays?

As Minho stood there, uncertain of how to proceed, the door to the dance practice room suddenly swung open, revealing a fluffy and adorable Seungmin. The younger boy was clad in an oversized hoodie, which only added to his cuteness. Upon catching sight of the pup, Minho's face instantly lit up with a beaming smile, and all of his previous unease and apprehension melted away in an instant.

The puppy-like boy fixed his hair before making his way towards his hyung and Minho only gazed at him with a fond gaze, eyeing his every movement.

"I didn't realize you were live, hyung," the baby said as he sat down on the floor next to Minho. Upon meeting Seungmin's gaze, Minho felt a rush of emotions that left him feeling overwhelmed. Despite this, he managed to smile at the younger boy.

''It's alright, baby. Have you eaten?'' He asked the younger and in response, Seungmin looked at him with wide eyes. ''H-huh? What did you say?'' He mumbled.

Minho tilted his head to the side and asked, "Did you have lunch?" Seungmin shook his head and Minho continued, "I already had lunch with Hyunjin. I couldn't find you anywhere so..." Seungmin nodded in understanding and tried to dismiss some strange thoughts.

''Hey, stays! How are you!?'' The younger then turned towards the camera, waving at it to interact with the fans with an adorable smile on his face.

Minho frowned and pouted, feeling ignored as Seungmin turned all his attention to Stays.

''Seungmo~ look here~'' He whined but Seungmin ignored, chatting something with stays instead.

He sighed and leaned back on the wall sulking, crossing his arms over his chest.

''And then Felix said to not enter the kitchen again-- oh, hyung, what's wrong?'' Seungmin questioned as soon as he noticed that Minho wasn't participating in the live anymore.

But Minho ignored him, turning his head to the side. Seungmin chuckled before leaning over towards him in an attempt to grab his attention. ''Lee Know hyung~ look at me!!''

Fuck... Minho was weak for that nickname. But he held himself together, playing hard to get as he enjoyed the younger be all over him.

Seungmin pouted and placed himself on the older's lap, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he leaned in to whisper in his ears.

''Lee Know hyung... are you really ignoring me?...'' Seungmin whispered and Minho felt a chill run over his spine. He turned to look at the younger with a smirk and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling the younger closer.

''Not anymore, Seungmo... but hyung is still mad at you. '' He spoke under his breath.

At this point, none of them cared if they were literally live with millions of people watching them. All that mattered at that moment was that Seungmin's and Minho's eyes were drowning in each other's, and Minho wanted to make that moment last long. He forgot about all the dance practice he had to do today, he forgot about all the scolding from Chan... everything...

Because Seungmin was in front of him... in his arms.

''Really? Then what can I do to make it up to you, Lee Know hyung?'' Seungmin asked him back, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

Minho smirked and positioned himself even closer to the younger before placing his gaze down to his lips. Piercing down onto the younger's plump lips as if he'd be drilling a hole.

''Kiss me. ''

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