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Y/N and Aizetsu
Were now walking down the all talking to each other

Aizetsu somehow felt happy by your side, he feels as if time stops when you talk to him though of course he
Still isn't aware of it yet, he just feels a little tingly when talking to you or just being with you in general. He really enjoys your company he loves to listen to you ranting/ complaining
About things you don't like.

While you on the other hand also loves aizetsu's company, it's nice when someone just listens to you talk about random stuff without judging you or making rude comments.

You quickly stopped in your tracks making aizetsu tilt his head in response "hey..are you ok?.." aizetsu notice that you were spacing out abit
As if your trying to remember something "Y/N?" Still no respone.

Aizetsu placed his hand on your shoulder making you flinch, as you turn to face him you were met with a very worried aizetsu who looks like he's about to cry

"Eh!? Aizetsu are you ok!? Why are you crying?" You panicked turning your full body towards him to check if somethings wrong "it's..just that.. I've been calling you for the past 2 minutes..and..you won't answer.." he sniffed, you looked at him dumbfounded before chuckling "I'm sorry for worrying you ai I was just trying to remember something"

He then calmed down and nodded a smile plastered on his face "oh..Ah it's alright please don't worry me like that again.." your face softened while patting his shoulder "I won't, now come on we still have class together"
You said while grabbing his arms dragging him to your next class
Ignoring the jealous looks of the other students

'why does she get to talk to him?'

'well she's really pretty I understand why aizetsu is willing to talk to her
I mean I know I'm a girl but if I was in aizetsu's place I would totally make a move on her'

'what's so special about her anyways?'

'she looks just like a normal person
What makes her different from us?'

'you guys are being too overdramatic
He can choose who he wants to talk to or not'

'she might even make a move on the others! If aizetsu likes her then I know his brothers will too! Meaning she gets to talk to them, they're going to ignore us because of her!'

'girl chill I doubt sekido would even want to talk to her considering his anger issues, and plus they always ignore us anyways so just give up'

'Wtf akane! You're supposed to be on our side!'

'im on no one's side'

The students whispers continues making you feel a bit uncomfortable
You didn't like being in the center of attention 'ijdjdjd ugh it's literally my first day and wait what- did I just keyboard smash in my head?' you shook your head as you stopped dragging aizetsu "ok we're here let's just hope the teacher isn't here yet"
He nodded then both of you finally went in.

And to your suprise the teacher wasn't here yet making you yell 'YES' in your head, you and aizetsu walked towards your seats though you were a bit sad that he didn't sit next to you
You were seated next to a girl with pink and green hair.

You noticed that the girl was eating a whole bag filled with mochis which you didn't mind 'so pretty' you didn't even notice that the girl was now staring at you

She felt abit uncomfortable that you were staring 'she must be disgusted that I'm eating alot! Or is it my weird hair color' you then realized that you were staring too long and quickly apologized "A-ah I'm sorry for staring it's just you're really pretty I couldn't help but stare" you awkwardly smiled

The girl was surprised she thought that you were judging her because of her hair and how she eats alot "r-really?" the girl stuttered her face was now red while looking at you

You nodded "mhm!" she looked like she was going to burst with embarrassment but she quickly returned back to normal only a small tint of pink was left on her face

"Thank you! I think you're really pretty too!" The girl said making you abit flustered "I'm mitsuri by the way, would you like to be friends that is if you want to! But you don't have to if yo-" before she could finish you then grabbed her hands and lifted them up
"Of course I want to be friends! I'm

Mitsuri smiled widely before realising something, she quickly let go of your hand before rummaging through her bag but before you could ask what's wrong she handed you a mochi "eh?" You looked at the food before looking back at her with a confused face

She chuckled before placing the mochi in your hand "here have some mochi! Think of it as a thank you for being my friend!" Your confused face was now replaced with a big smile before eating the mochi "No problem I'm sure we're going to be great friends!"

I finally posted!

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