Episode 1.1: Waking Up To a Massacre

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In Houston, Charlton Yates is visiting his father with his son Eli for a few days.

Charlton wakes up with Eli on the side of his bed, as he's calling for him.

E: "Dad! Dad! Wake up! Something's happening outside!"

Charlton would look confused, "What the hell are you on about, Eli?"

E: "Just get up!"

Charlton would get up being confused by Eli's words, until... he takes one look out of the window and everything is looking like total chaos. People being chased by what looked like other people... but something was off with these people... they acted.. different. 

Charlton's dad would scream in a tone of utter pain, as Charlton heard his father he immediately grabbed his dad's shotgun and went downstairs to see his dad's hand being eaten by a crazy man. Charlton would run into the lunatic pushing him away. Eli would be on the staircase looking at his dad scared of what's happening.

C: "GET OFF YOU PRICK!" Charlton would punch the man as he said that.

Charlton would get off of the man given the fact that he looked like he was dead... this man had blood on him... his skin tone was very different.. he was super pale... it's like he came out of a grave. The man ran towards Charlton trying to bite him, but Charlton shoots the man straight in the head.

C: "Holy.. HOLY SHIT!"

E: "Grandpa!"

C: "Dad!"

Charlton's dad would be on the floor losing lots of blood.

CD: "Son.... I.... I looked away for a moment.. then he came up to me.... he's not a man... he.. he.."

Charlton's dad would have lost too much blood and he passes out.

The scream of a lady would be heard outside, as multiple of the same looking things as the person who attacked Charlton's dad would go up towards her. Charlton doesn't hesitate to shot some of them. They come towards his house and as they enter, Eli and Charlton would've helped get Charlton's dad into his car. Charlton had escaped with his family already.

C: "Hey Lady! Get in!" Charlton would've screamed for her to run for the car.

She'd run into the front passenger seat and bang the door closed.

She would run out of breath, "Thank you... I don't know what the hell those THINGS are..."

C: "We have the same problem... one of them attacked my dad!"

Eli would interrupt, "Dad! Grandpa woke up!"

C: "Dad?!"

His dad would get on Eli trying to bite him.

C: "Shit!"

Charlton would get out of the driver's seat to try and get his dad off of Eli. He'd push him off and see that his dad turned into one of the things they had been seeing.

C: "I'm sorry dad..."

Charlton put his dad out of his misery and shoot him dead with his own shotgun. He has remorse for his dad but unfortunately he couldn't mourn right there as many of the things had come near the car.

E: "Get in the car!"

Charlton gets in the car and drives off.

In the middle of the road, Charlton would check on his son.

C: "Eli.. are you okay?"

E: "I don't feel well..."

C: "It's overwhelming... I feel you son..."

The lady would try to speak to Charlton. "I never got to introduce myself... I'm Melissa. Thank You for trying to help me get away from those things..."

C: "Charlton. That's Eli in the backseat."

M: "Hey there, Eli."

E: "Hi, Melissa-" Eli would cough up blood.

M: "I really don't think he's okay..."

C: "We'll pullover as soon as we find a good hideout.." Charlton would check on Eli and see how he is looking.


Charlton would pull the breaks on two people who were running on the road. He would be furious and would get out of the car.

C: "What the hell are you two doing?!"

One of them would reply, "We're so sorry! We're just tryna get away from those things!"

Charlton would continue, "You aren't infected are ya?!"

The same guy would continue, "No... I assure you..."

The other guy would interrupt, "Listen... you're all confused.. I know what the hell this whole entire thing is.."

Charlton would look at the man confused, "How would you know..?"

The man would reply, "I'm Oliver Kane... and I am a scientist... this whole thing is... an apocalypse... dead people turn into undead people.."

Melissa would yell for Charlton, "Charlton! You gotta come see this!"

Charlton, Oliver and the other guy would run over.

They'd see that Eli was bitten.

C: "Oh no..."

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