Sweet tooth🌡️

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Sickie: Intak

Caregiver: Taeyang

No one's POV.:

Keeho groaned, doubling over panting as they struck the ending pose. They had been in the practice room all afternoon, working on their dance moves. Though he had thought his stamina to be quite alright, he really struggled to catch his breath right now. This had been their last run-through and Jiung cheered breathlessly at the prospect of being done with their schedule for the day. As Keeho's eyes wandered through the practice room, checking on all of his members, the leader was relieved that he wasn't the only one who felt close to dying. Maybe his stamina wasn't so bad after all. A tired chuckle pulled at his lips as he spotted the two maknaes sprawled out on the floor. They had gone all out during practice and looked like they wouldn't be getting back up in days. Taeyang was leaning against the wall next to his bag, trying to catch his breath as he sipped some water.

Intak plopped down next to Taeyang, resting his back against the wall as he sluggishly dug through his bag to retrieve his water bottle. As the boy greedily gulped down his water, Keeho fetched Shota and Jongseob their bottles too and brought them over to them, encouraging them to drink some as they had been sweating a lot. Jiung stuffed his empty water bottle back into his bag and breathed: "I'm starving! What do you guys wana eat for dinner?" None of them had really eaten much for lunch, afraid of making themselves sick by dancing on a full stomach. "How about McDonald's?", Keeho offered, drying his face, "We can stop at the drive-through on our way back. I don't think anyone's in the mood to cook." His idea was met with tired cheers because he was right. They were all ready to drop and cooking sounded far to exhausting, while they felt too sweaty and disgusting to eat out.

Since all of them were starving after so much dancing and only having very little food that day, they ordered a lot. Sure, their meal choice wasn't the healthiest but they were usually eating healthy and this felt like a great reward for their hard work that day. The member had a hard time waiting till they got home, already wanting to dig in while in the car. Still, they managed to control themselves their excitement overpowering their exhaustion as they hurried from the car to their dorm, rushing to kick off their shoes and get to the dinner table before their food grew completely cold.

Most of the members had similar orders, a burger, fries and some soda. Intak was the odd one out, his sweet tooth showing even more now that he had waited to the point of getting so incredibly hungry. Sure, there had to be a savory part to his meal, so he ordered chicken nuggets and fries but he was mainly focused on the pie and milkshake he had gotten as a dessert. "Don't give yourself a tummy ache", Keeho laughed, watching Intak sip his milkshake in between bites of chicken. The younger had originally planned to have separate sweet and savory but he just couldn't he craved something sweet. To his own surprise, Intak still felt a little hungry after dinner, so while the first members took their turns showering, he contemplated what snack he could have to make sure he wouldn't go to bed hungry. His sweet tooth was still carving something sugary, so he eventually got himself some cookies. Seeing how contently his dongsaeng dipped his cookies into milk, Jiung didn't comment on the younger probably overdoing it, though he couldn't help but wonder how the boy managed to stomach all that food.

Since Intak was still busy satisfying his cravings, he ended up being the last member to take a shower. He winced a bit when he noticed how stuffed his tummy looked as he stepped into the shower. Yeah, he wasn't proud of his decisions today but everyone had those days, so it would be okay, he told himself. Intak could hear his stomach gurgle, trying to digest the overwhelming amount of food he had just consumed. There was some discomfort and bloating but that was to be expected. He let out a few breathy burps as he dried off and put on his sleep clothes. The other members were already in bed, drained from their intense practice session. Intak sighed when he realized his roommates had already fallen asleep, as he didn't feel like he could fall asleep quite yet.

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