Separate ways.

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Jerry and y/n went out to kill some people you killed about 5-6 people Jerry went all out and killed 10 people you guys were done you went home to shower all the blood off when you saw Tom with another girl and bill was making out with a red head

Y/n: really Tom after all this fucking time you said you would take care of me and love me till death separates us..

Jerry: " oh c'mon bill like that red headed bitch will ever do anything better then me, you know what we're done l'm done here"

Tom: " y/n have you ever heard of fake love?"

Y/n in fact l have or what you thought l actually ment to be by your side till death hell no you can burn in hell for all l care. (You said coldly)

Bill: " Jerry l don't mean to be rude but your a little girl infront of Ashley she knows how to please a man like a "woman"

You and Jerry packed your bags and left you guys we're headed out to Tokyo where your dads REAL man we're located at you knew if they saw you and knew you were the head of the gang they were gonna protect you from everyone and everything

Jerry: " l can't believe l actually fell for that emo bitch"


Y/n: Tbh I don't know if l actually had feelings for Tom or just needed him for the pleasure"

You guys got to Tokyo you had a whole bunch of big man all in black waiting for you and Jerry you guys were located at your dad's mansion in Tokyo and lived your life's all out killed people became feared in Tokyo

( My Living NightMare who 😭)

You became lesbian and had many females in your room everyday, you would have one night stands dated a red head named "Taylor" witch later broke up with because you found out both of you had been with Tom,

One day you were just watching the news when you and Jerry stared at the tv in horror

The gang "Tokio hotel in now in town will they be known? Will they have beef with "Red eyes"

Jerry: " oh hell no wtf are they doing here we rule Tokyo they can't just come here and make themselves known"

Y/n: I agree we will have them tracked down, Eric!!

Eric " yes ma'am?"

Y/n: have Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz tracked l need their hotel, their hotel rooms and where they will be going tonight before 8:30

Eric: "on it"

You guys get their information and go to their hotel room you and Jerry didn't get asked or questioned at everybody knew not to mess with you guys you go to their room and fly open the door you see Tom run towards the door and look at you in shock at you were now older had long black hair and a much curvier body

Tom: "y/n..?"

Y/n the one and only (you say while smirking)

Bill ran towards the door just to find himself face to face with Jerry, Jerry had a curvy body with long black hair just like you, you guys looked like twins

Bill " no time no see huh Jerry"

Jerry: " it's Jerriani to you"

Bill "hmmk"

Tom " why are you guys here how did you even find us"

Y/n Aw don't be so worried darling but l think you forgot who l am, l am the most feared Woman in Tokyo and your in my city Tom Kaulitz.

Bill "yeah right like your one to be feared of"

Y/n l am turn on the tv for me bill

The news
Y/n and Jerry were seen again in the dark red night of yesterday killing two innocent men for touching them, well they were making them uncomfortable but did they deserve to die?

Y/n yes they indeed did( you say while chucking)

Bill turned to you with fear in his eyes "why aren't you arrested then!" Bc bill nobody can touch me here in Tokyo.

Tom " I see you've changed huh l like it"

Y/n yeah l like it to.

Jerry was now next to me with her gun out ready to shoot any of these two guys

Y/n Jerry put it down their not gonna do anything they're too scared to ( you say laughing)

Tom " test me y/n and l'll A's the test"

Y/n hmm ld love to see you lay a finger on me you'll have no arm left.

Tom " yeah sure l know your hurt in the inside but you would never hurt me"

Y/n oh l would, l would love to hurt you more then anything in this world but l'm trying to be nice cus it's your first time here

Bill " well you might be a cold hearted bitch but l know Jerry would never hurt anybody her hearts to soft to"

As soon as bill was done with his sentence Jerry hit him on the rib with her gun

Jerry " you were saying honey?"

Bill " JERRY WHAT THE FUCK! So your a cold hearted bitch too now l see"

Jerry " damn right don't ever underestimate me again in your shitty little life again."

Tom was couldn't even talk that's when the G's came in the hotel room and ran towards you and Jerry and hugged you the G's never did anything bad to you so you hug them back they were excited to see you and Jerry cus when they hugged you, you could hear his heart beating extremely fast they asked what was going on and you explained to them how Tokyo was now your city which ment you didn't want to see Tom or Bill there

Georg " oh yeah l'm sorry but that girl that tom was with the day you found him forced him to talk to you like that and if he didn't she was going to kill you infront of him he did it for you y/n"
Gustav " and bill he was stabbed seconds before you guys came in because he refused to agree he never ment to hurt you Jerry actually they had promise rings for y'all that day but it all went wrong"

Y/n Tom's stronger then that he wouldn't let himself get demanded around by a female

Georg " your wrong y/n you and bill are Tom's weakness he couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt so he did as he was demanded to"

Tom was now looking at the floor remembering everything that had happened, While Bill he had tears in his eyes to see what Jerry has became

Bill " this is all your fault y/n if you hadn't had hurt Jerry by making her be apart of your band or staying with me she would've never hurt me like this!!"

You felt guilt as you knew what he was saying was true Jerry was a monster and it was all because of you, you look at Jerry who's now looking at you to see what you do you hug her tight like never before and whispered in her ear

Y/n " l'm so sorry Jerry l never meant to hurt you l just couldn't bare to see you in pain do to how sensitive you were l had to make you a woman a strong one"

Jerry started tearing up as she backed up from the hug and hugged bill, Tom hugged you and told you how bad he was feeling to see what you've become

Tom " see Bill this is why l didn't want to become friends with her l liked y/n since the start of second grade l knew she hated me for all l did to her but now look at her she's this, this monster l reflected on her by dragging her into my love life"

You felt hurt by his words but he wasn't wrong you had became a monster and it was because of the pain he costed you to have.


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