Chapter 15

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Your pov:

The elevator finally headed to the ground floor, you and Tom were still holding hands. He pulled you out making you follow behind him.

"So handsome, where are we going?" You asked, the suspense was killing you and you hated surprises.

"You'll see, just wait a bit" Tom smiled in return, he saw that you were really eager to see what he had planned for you.

You two left the hotel and went towards the parking valet. Tom led you to his car and opened the door for you.

"Why thank you!" You giggled as he assisted you getting into the car. He closed the door and went over to the other side and climbed in. You both adjusted your seatbelts and then he started the engine.

"Ugh! Come on, where are we going?" You were aching inside, wanting to know where you were going.

"Come on beautiful be patient!" He snickered at your reaction, you knew he enjoyed getting a rise out of you.

You sat there as he drove on, turning on to multiple different roads. He opened the windows and the wind hit your hair straight away. Your hair blew in the wind gracefully as you peaked your head outside of the car, the way the wind pushed against your face, it felt amazing.

You felt eyes on you, from the corner of your eye, you could see tom glancing at you quickly every now then but still focusing on the road.

"You are really pretty!" He muttered. You smiled at his words, you felt pretty when he complimented you.

"Ok we are approaching the destination! Close your eyes please!" Tom asked you gently. Excited, you abided by his request and covered your eyes. The car came to a stop and he got out of the car and came over to you. He opened your door and put his hand out, you peaked and gave him one of your hands. The other hand remained over your eyes.

"I'm so excited!" You exclaimed, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

"Alright keep your eyes closed! I will lead you ok?" Tom replied to your excitement.

You nodded and grabbed his hand. He leads you towards the destination, tugging at your arm to pull you along. You heard music and couldn't wait to see where he had brought you.

"Alright open!" He spoke. Your hand left your face as your eyes blinked open. Deja vu hit you once you realised where you were.

"Omg Tom!" You smiled happily, flashbacks to this place brought your memory to life. "I can't believe you remembered"

There in front of you stood the very same arcade that Tom, Bill and you used to visit as kids, everything looked the same. The outside had the same light up neon sign 'gamebox'. The window frames were a dark purple and the door was black making it very nostalgic. You rushed inside pulling Tom along to see most of the things you remembered were still there. All the arcade games you used to play were all here.

You looked back at Tom who had a big smile on his face.

"Of course I remembered" he smiled. "And this is only part of our date, after this we are going to visit a few places you might remember from our childhood, then we are going out to lunch and maybe to the beach a bit later"

"Thank you so much Tom!" You smiled and kissed him on the lips. You embraced him in a hug and then dragged him over to play a few games.

You two first played DDR, you guys laughed as you danced to the beat of the song. Your movements were in sync. After that you moved on to shooting some hoops, you and Tom had a race at who could shoot the most hoops. You ended up winning by one shot. You played some more arcade games before you two got tired and decided to head to do the next thing.

"That was fun!" You smiled at Tom.

"Wait till you see where I take you!" He responded happily. He was glad that you enjoyed his company.

You both got into the car and he drove off again, this time, the drive was short, about 10 minutes. He came to a stop, got out and then again opened your door. You looked around to see a familiar park.

"No way! Is that?..." You were speechless, those memories that lingered in your eyes were alive. In front of you lay the playground where you, Tom and Bill would hangout constantly. This was one of the many places Tom wanted to bring you to.

"Come on" Tom offered out his hand and you took it. The playground was old and looked as if it hadn't been used in years. Everything was the same, it was as if the place was frozen in time.

"How come it looks so old?" You asked.

"The town didn't want to fund the cleanups and fixtures for the place, so it kind of just sat here" he started off wondering about his eyes over the place. "I come here every now and then, you know memories and stuff"

"Oh that's sad! So no one uses the equipment anymore?" You added.

"Yeah, it is quite sad and yeah I don't think so, I mean no one ever comes here anymore, especially since that new place opened up" he explained. Turns out you had missed a lot while being away.

"Wait a minute!" You gasped, you headed towards the slide and looked underneath it, you put your hand over your mouth and just stared. Tom was curious and came over to you.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"Look!" I replied. He looked over to what you were pointing at and his jaw dropped. There, under the slide, were the initials of Tom and you 'T+Y/N 4EVA', you blushed and continued to look at the engraving, to the side you noticed a '+ BILL'. You giggled at the thought of bill feeling left out and tom noticed what you were looking at.

"Aw this is so cute!" You replied running your fingers over the engravings.

"Wait no way, look some of the messages we wrote" Tom smiled. "Haha this one looks like it was written by me 'y/n is pwetty and bootiful - toom', omg my writing" he laughed face palmed.

"I miss the memories we had here" you sighed while getting up. "If only I didn't stop visiting, I could have had more time with you boys, especially you"

"Same, as a matter of fact, why did you stop visiting?...."


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, I have been busy with school. Just letting you know that I will most likely be taking breaks every now and then due to skl etc. Thank you to those who have constantly supported me! I appreciate you guys a lot xx

Have made some fluff moments between Tom and Y/n, hope you like! Katie won't be appearing for the next part but might come in after your date!

Remember to share and vote! xx

Meant to be || Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now