.My Sweet Little Doll.

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Today similarly as the past two years now, I'm climbing up to my beloved Iris's room. In no time flat, I was at her window which was the smallest yet highest of them all. Regardless of the fact that I was a night creature, the fog that roamed the forest on this late night of November still gave me the chills. I was able to hear everything that was happening between the multiple branches of the forest as well as in the rooms in front of me. (from the inconsistent footsteps of the bear to the shallow breaths of the sleeping deer.). I could hear the fading heartbeats (pulsations) of a rat that had been stricken by an aging owl merely seconds before my arrival here. Naturally I was intently listening to the slow heart beats of my beloved Iris that was deep in slumber likewise to her brother who turned 5 a week ago, whereas Iris would turn 10 in the span of a few minutes. The only disturbance was her father's rampage that never ended. Iris told me he had always been the same since forever, always a drunk disappointment and beating them all to pulps, except that her mother was now gone and she was left alone fending for herself.

As I opened the window and entered I could sense the candle lights flicker as the fall breeze silently entered the rooms. It was high time for someone to interrupt all this nonsense, I couldn't let Iris live in this gloomy place for an instant more. Moreover, I already had a plan to make her mine forevermore.

I woke up as the face of a monster came closer to me. I wasn't sacred. I wasn't crying. I wasn't terrified. If it were a year ago, I would probably be all those and more, but now I'm simply relieved it wasn't daddy and his huge bamboo stick, although it beats me (I'm quite confused) what this monster wants from me if not to devour me. I slowly crawl back as much as I can, just like always to feel that little bit safer. Later on, I'll surely regret the fact that it was not daddy.The fiend starts speaking; nevertheless it was as if he was hypnotizing me. I remember mommy once talking about compulsion, something only vampire got to use. Maybe he was a vampire. Yes, obviously he is a dark creature and it probably wasn't the first time he used it on me. The moment he looked away, I forgot every single word he had gently whispered to me, and purely/exclusively towards me identical to bad secret.

Automatically, my body started moving. I had no control. I was cold.This mansion was cold. I discover myself tip toeing through the dark mansion, searching for something that was on the tip of my tong. I find that I'm holding a dagger, from where... I have no idea.She used to read to me. I find that I'm holding a dagger, from where... I have no idea. In no time I was in my daddy's study.

The next half an hour was frankly a blank to me.I felt as if I were like one of my dolls, a puppet being governed by something bigger, like everything I was doing had been planned days ago.I had no control over my body whatsoever.

When I woke up from the spell, it was too late. For what I didn't know until I realized, realized where I was... Here, in the hallway, where candle lights flickered, lay in my shaky arms the body of my brother painted in red. As I studied him, I saw that my right hand's fingers were loosely wrapped around the dagger directly placed above his heart.Immediately I started screaming and kicking and sobbing, I was afraid, scared to the core and disgusted. How did this happen? Why did I do this? What controlled me to act so, so, so horribly? Where is daddy? All I could see was crimson, scarlet blood splattered everywhere. Out of the blue/In the matter of seconds the creature was facing me once more.

Now, I understood why he didn't eat me. I may be a simple child in his head, but that didn't mean I was an idiot. I knew why daddy beat me, it's because I reminded him of her, mommy. I started running as fast as I could, as swiftly my tiny feet could carry me,  he was faster, of course he was, he was after all E-V-I-L. He caught me easily and jumped through the window... After that I only saw black. Pitch black and then I was surrounded by nothingness.


Hey, thank you for reading this short story! Leave a comment, tell me how I could make it better!! Thank you.

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