Chapter 3: Last Goodbyes:

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Loona stepped out of the portal and began to set up all the promotions to keep the house safe from any and all unwanted demon attacks. The only ones allowed to enter are the imps that Loona worked with and the man she once called father. She also kept an eye on Kira who was looking like he was in too much pain. She got him into a comfortable position then ran to the closet and got everything she thought would help him get better, including his medicine for when his body is nearing the breakdown point.

For around 5 hours, Loona stayed with Kira until he was no longer in pain. She then went to the kitchen and made all his favorite foods while he slept soundly. She set out all of the dishes on the table and around the island counter before heading towards the stairs when she heard Kira cry out. Loona dashed up the stairs and right to the bedroom door, looked in and Kira was on the floor whimpering. "Kira!" She cried as she ran to him and scooped him up carefully. "What happened, did you fall off the bed?" She soothed him until he calmed down then clung to her. She rocked him and rubbed his back soothingly. "Shh, it's ok baby, I'm right here, you're ok now." Her words slowly calmed him fully and his claws retracted as his ears laid flat. She softly nuzzled him and he started purring.

Once Kira was calmed down fully, Loona laid him back on the bed and tucked a cute hellhound plushie under his arm and kissed his forehead then smiled softly. Once Kira was fast asleep again, she quietly left and she headed back to the kitchen and made more tea. Shortly after that, she returned to the bedroom and to Kira's side. She then laid down beside him and winced, her belly swollen to a massive size showing that she was just days away from giving birth now. She softly kissed his forehead again and she slowly fell asleep.

The Birth of The Pups:

A week had passed and Loona was in labor and Milly was with her, Moxie and Blitzo too. Kira was laying on the couch in the waiting room worried while the doctor helped deliver 3 beautiful half-breed hellhounds that looked more like Loona and less like Kira, but each one had the same special quirk that Kira had. The doctor came out and smiled. "Kira, you may go in now." Kira sat up quickly and his eyes sparkled before he dashed pass the doctor without being seen. Only a blue was seen. As soon as he entered the room Loona was in, his whole face lit up and Loona held out her left hand.

"Come here hun, our pups are waiting to see their daddy." Loona said as she swayed her tail happily. She waited only 3 seconds because Kira was on the bed in 2 seconds and laying with her in 1 second. "Hehehe cutie~" she said as she was snuggled by Kira. Moxie and Milly pushed Blitzo out into the hall and joined him to give the newly formed family some time together. Blitzo tried getting back in, but Milly took him and her hubby to the cafeteria for some food. Thankfully they were seen as a father and his estranged children that were infatuated with each other. Hell magic has come a long way since the 1300's.

While alone in the room with Kira and her pups, Loona was happy and in her happy place. Before long, she and Kira fell asleep keeping the pups between them. Loona had begun to stir as if dreaming an hour later. Her ears twitched, her tail flicked and she opened her eyes to find the two female pups nursing and the male cuddled into Kira as Kira was cuddled into her side. She softly smiled as her cheeks turned a bit red. She then gently pulled the blanket up around Kira and the pups, noticing that one of the girls had nekomata features and the other had hellhound features as for the boy, he was rocking Nekomata ears, a hellhound tail and Nekomata paws with hellhpund sized claws. She smiled seeing that her kids were a bit of both her and Kira. She then kissed Kira's cheek and without warning, she was met with a direct kiss from him as he slowly opened his eyes.

"M-morning Loona...s-sorry for the surprise kiss..." Kira said with a bit of embarrassment in his words.

"It's ok, you must have been having as good a dream as me, hehe the babies are all so beautiful, even the baby boy. What shall we name them?" Loona asked cutely. Her eyes meeting Kira's and both sparkled like diamonds. Kira blushed then was met with a gentle yet loving kiss from Loona. "What if you name a girl, then me then we both name the boy, sound good?" She asked softly and sweetly.

"Mhm, sounds good love." Kira said with a tender smile.
"What do you think of  Mirrabell, Mirra for short?"

"Sounds like we have our first born's name~" Loona whispered softly as she was nearly falling asleep once again. "The other one, what do you think of Flora as her name?" She asked as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Flora's a lovely name for her dear." Kira said with a gentle smile.

"Mika for the boy's name~" They both said with a slight giggle. Loona then fell asleep, and the nurse came in quietly and got the children and Kira, then took them to Blitzo who was fighting back tears. His little girl did such a a wonderful job bringing 3 miracle children into the world, but at a prise. Kira wasn't aware yet, now would he be, he was to young to understand that for hellhpunds, they are only able to live long lives until the give birth. Milly took Kira and the children to her and Moxie's place while Moxie and the Boss took Loona's body to a special place and buried her with something she cherished more than Kira, the collar he gave to her and the matching one he once wore the first night they met. After that, Moxie headed home and Blitzo went to hell to drink away his pain at a sleezy bar like always.

At Milly and Moxie's apartment, Kira slowly began to realize what had actually happened and slowly became a closed off lonely nekomata once again, he left the pups in the imps hands and left one night and didn't plan on returning. He had planned on finding a way to be with Loona one more time. To him, she was everything. She meant so much to him that he couldn't see a future without her anymore. Every night he would sit in the empty house they once called home, cry until he passed out, then at sunrise get up and start throwing things out crying about how she left him all alone with 3 pups and no idea on how to care for them. Then one thing caught his attention that he couldn't throw. It was the first ever photo of the two of them in front of that house the day they moved into it together. Kira broke down and cried more realizing that the floor he sat on had a summoning circle carved into it upon Loona's request, the thing is, it wasn't a demon summoning circle, it was an angelic summoning circle.

After crying his heart out, Kira slowly slipped down on the floor on his side, the circle then began to be seen, he then sat up with a curious look on his face and the look of someone determined to find answers. He stood up, moved the rug, saw the full circle and went looking through Loona's old books and tombs, found the book on summonings and the circles used, learned about the circle carved into the floorboards of the house, then sighed. "I wanna see Loona one last time to say goodbye the right way..." He muttered before chanting from the book under the circle diagram in the book's passage about angelic summons.

A flash of golden light appeared then disappeared and in its place, a young gothic, yet angelic priestess stood with her hands folded, it was Loona, only not in her hellhound body. She opened her eyes and saw that the one person she hoped would find the circle had done so. "Kira, master, thank you for summoning me, how may I be of service?" She asked as she lowered her hands. Kira just ran to her in tears and cried into her chest. She softly smiled then spoke softly. "Missed me that much already did you? It's only been a week silly, I never left your side, I waited for you to find the circle, summon me and now that you have, I'm here, an angel of Gabriel and his angel army. The good news is, he doesn't wanna hurt you or the pups. He actually asked me to stay with you and the pups for as long as you wished me to. Isn't that wonderful?" Kira didn't respond, he didn't even hear her, he couldn't hear an angel's words. Not while he was the vessel of another that was Archangel worthy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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