Chapter 6- Just Like Any Other Day

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31 days before suicide attempt.

Ty's POV

I met up with Tyler after our last period together in the front of the school. We both had slight dark circles under our eyes because of last night. He came out of the front doors holding two books in one arm while the other held his one strand of backpack over his shoulder. His glasses were slowly falling off his nose. When he placed his bag down in front of me, he finally pushed them back up.

"So belated birthday boy," I started "what took you so long?"

His mouth was only halfway open to answer when suddenly, his eyes lit up in shock as his eyes stared behind me. Someone was behind me for I could feel their raged breath blowing on my neck. Somehow I managed to stay calm and plaster a slight grin on my face.

I turned slowly to meet my enemy staring down at me. I folded my arms and looked up into his eyes.

"Awww...isn't it my biggest most best friend in the entire whole world, Trent?" I said it in a baby voice as I saw his nostrils flare. Then I squinted and said normally, "do you look in the mirror while you put on eyeliner? Seriously dude, makeup's for girls." I gasped and put my hand to my mouth to make it more dramatic "Wait...your not a girl are you? That would explain A LOT though!" Trent finally blew as he shoved me into the bricks of the school. His hands were gripping my jacket so tight that his knuckles turned white. His two guys grabbed Tyler, an arm for each. Tyler's eyes were filled with terror. I couldn't look at him anymore and stared down at my shoes, my hair falling in front of my face.

"L...Let him go. He's not apart of this fight." I had to choke out the first words trying to find my voice after Trent shoved me, which had taken me by surprise...kind of...actually, I was waiting for him to do that. It just knocked the wind out of me.

Trent looked at Tyler then back at me, smiling his usual fake, UGLY!!!! smile.


Have you guys noticed I use a lot of T names in here.
Hmm...totally not a coincidence...


"I don' 'dink so, budday. We gun take 'dis boy fo' a wide."

I swear his accent sounded terrible. It's like he was wearing braces and a mouth guard together. Thankfully no spit flew in my face. I'd be washing it off for a month trying to get his saliva off of me, afraid I was infected and would die in three weeks if not sooner. Someone could mistake him as one of those stereo type nerds you see in T.V if it weren't for his broad shoulders and muscles.

I looked over Trent's shoulder to see one of the guys that was holding Tyler punch him in the stomach. He heaved over trying to suck in air, but it seemed like his lungs weren't working. He would've fallen over if the two guys weren't holding him.

I thrashed and screamed for them to 'let him go' or 'stop' as they smashed their knuckles into his face. I would only get off the wall a couple of centimeters before Trent smashed me back again. This last time I knocked my head on the wall, warm ooze dripping down the back of my head. It hurt like hell.

I gritted my teeth, fighting to stay conscious. It didn't help when Trent started punching my face (which is very beautiful and awesome cause I'm just cool like that and...ok I'll stop:))

The world started to go blurry, the darkness wanting to collapse on me and take me, but I couldn't, I wouldn't, for Tyler's sake.

At thinking that I looked up at him. His body hung over, the boys haven knocked him out. He probably welcomed that darkness so he didn't have to feel anything anymore. His face was probably all black and blue.

His mother would probably never let me play with him, let alone go near him!

Why the hell was I thinking about this now? When my head was throbbing, Tyler passed out, and my life in severe danger. I too hard on myself? Eek. Someone call the doctor.

Trent kneeing me in the stomach finally brought me from my thoughts. My mouth was slightly ajar while blood ran down my head and down my cheek. The world circled a little faster, making me nauseous.

I groaned as Trent pulled me from off the wall and closer to his face so he could whisper something to me.

"Your dea' meat ya 'ear me?" Then he turned to his guys holding Tyler.

"Take heh' lil frien' to da foundain. We gun drow' 'im"

Only the one on Tyler's right replied.

"Yes sir, will do."

At least his voice was enjoyable to hear, clear, normal, a real gentleman, unlike our boy Trent here. He smelled like raw onions and...was that burnt bread? Ha! Our Trent was a (terrible, might I say) baker man. Wait till' the campus h-

"Ar' ya listenin' boy?!"

As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted. *cough* *cough*

Wait, what'd he say to one of his- WHAT?!


My brain was really working slow today. Oh head was throbbing with pain and my heartbeat kept thumping in my ears. There's no reason I shouldn't be on my game... :|

I tried my best to raise my fist and punch him back, but it landed softly on his shoulder. He stood there having a staring contest with my fist then looked back at me.

"Reallay?" He took one final blow to my face as I slid down the wall, curling into a ball.


Hey I rhymed!
I'm a poet and I don't even know it! Ohhhhh!

Ok I promise to stop...on with the story.


Only slivers of light were considered as my vision. I tried to stand or crawl, but my arms and legs just gave out. I could tell I'd be going into a coma if Trent hit me one last time.

I was looking around for wood to knock on to take back what I said since Trent picked me up from my spot on the ground.

He just grinned and laughed.

I swear this dude was ugly as ****. His smile was ugly. His face was ugly. And his laugh, Oh, don't get me started on his laugh. It sounded like a pig squealing and being tortured. Hell! He even had a few snorts thrown in.

I mumbled a few unintelligent words under my breath.

Good thing Trent wasn't as smart as he looked...actually he didn't look smart at all...hmmm...why do people use that saying. God, could I just concentrate for one minute.

Trent started to drag me towards the fountain that he was talking about to his other boys. Tyler lay unconscious on the rubble, his glasses slightly fallen off and cracked...damn it brain, don't do it! Don't do it! Man that's gonna cost a fortune to get a new pair. He just got new ones last month. They looked nice on him too. Crap.

While my brain was on total melt down, the two boys had taken hold of Tyler and held him over the water, about to plunge him into it, just waiting for orders.

Trent gripped the back of my hair and pulled it down, forcing me too look up.

"Dis is jus' a lil tase' of wha gonna happen to ya. Heh heh heh." Eww terrible laugh.

He pushed my head a little up so I was looking straight at Tyler. He gripped my jaw to keep my head in place and not be able to move.

What'd he think? I had super powers? I wouldn't have fought back to look away from Tyler. My brain could barely register what the hell was going on. Then again, he knew me too well.

Story to be continued in next chapter...

Chapter 7- All Hell Brakes Loose

I just want to congratulate every right now...YOU JUST READ 1412 WORDS! Good job and keep up the good work. Thanks for reading and sorry for the slow updates...what? It's summer...I get vacation too :)

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