Storm Pt. 2 🥰

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⚠️Warnings: I don't think there's any. ⚠️

1522 words

Natasha's POV:

Ever since the night of the storm I've been constantly feeling the need to be locked to Y/n. It's very scary as I have done some research and every site seems to be telling me I might have a crush on her. Just thinking about that scares me, but it doesn't matter, love is for children. Although I have been less tense around her ever since that night. I'm not constantly worried about her doing something. I've even had some small conversations with her, mostly when she was cooking.

I walk into the lounge on the floor of my room looking to see who's watching TV, having heard it down the hallway when I was leaving for the gym down stairs. I peak my head around the corner looking at the couch seeing the back of Y/n's head. The news being on the guy talking about a really bad storm that's about to come over tonight. I feel myself shiver at the thought. I definitely hate storms. But Y/n's will be terrified as well. I hate the thought of that as well, these feelings are all so confusing to me.

Y/n's POV:

Somehow I went from watching the news about this horror storm coming tonight to having some kind of sleepover game night with the Avengers. I'm not sure how this happened and I don't love it, I'm not 12 and it's all over sexualized and childish. Look at the bottle in the middle of everyone as it spins. After what seems like it wouldn't stop for a good mnute it lands on Natasha who looks not at all happy to be here. "Ah Tasha, either tell us your biggest fear or do 7 minutes in heaven with Y/n," I hear Tony say still looking at Natasha taking a moment to process. My eyes widening slightly as it hits what Tony said, he's clearly drunk. "I don't have any fears," Natasha tells Tony crossing her arms. "I guess that means you can't tell us so into the closet you go," he says trying to push us to the closet. "What no, that's not fair," Natasha says shaking her head, "life's not fair," Tony replies. "What's wrong scared of the dark?" He teases Natasha. "I'm not scared of anything Stark," Natasha says grabbing my hand pulling me up and into the closet. "What the hell?" I ask softly as the door shuts. "Great," I mumble looking at Natasha barely able to see in the dark.

"So what is it? What fear do you have that you don't want anyone to know about?" I ask after a minute of silence. "Like I told Stark I don't have any fears," Natasha repeats to me. "We both know that's bullshit, a few weeks ago, when the storm happened, you told me everyone has fears," I point out to her. Natasha seems hesitant for a moment. Unsure of what to say, I can feel her eyes on me. "I think it used to be storms but for a while now it's been romantic feelings," Natasha says being more vulnerable to me then I've ever seen her room anyone. "You have feelings for someone?" I ask softly liking the idea of that, but also definitely quietly hoping that someone is me.

Natasha's POV:

Stark annoys me so bad, I always try to skip these stupid game nights for some reason today I couldn't and now I'm stuck in a dark dusty closet and just told the person the internet tells me I have a crush on what I'm scared of. I've never been this open about any kind of feelings or emotions to anyone, definitely hating how Y/n effects me sometimes. "I think I might, but I also want to ignore it and move on," I say honestly. "You shouldn't do that Natasha, you should go for it, everyone would be lucky to have you," Y/n tells me. "It's not that easy, I'm not a good person Y/n, I've done bad things," I tell her. "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes," she replies softly. Her words make me smile a little, "you are trying to be a better person, that's all that matters," she adds. "Like I said, it's not that easy, plus love is for children," I say and she shakes her head. "Whoever thought you that is definitely messed up in the head," Y/n tells me I know she's probably right. "There is a really bad storm tonight, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep, will you be okay?" She asks me my heart seems to flutter at the fact she cares enough about me to ask if I'll be okay with this storm happening. "I will, will you?" I ask her in return, "I'll probably just put on my headphones and watch a bunch of movies and sleep when the storm has passed," she tells me right before the door to the closet swings open and the light blinds me for a moment. Tony standing in front of the door pouting as he sees absolutely nothing happened.

It didn't take long for everyone to head to bed after that. I'm definitely not looking forward to the night but get ready for bed anyway, maybe I'll just sleep through the storm. I wake up once the storm starts, biting my lip really having hoped by some miracle I would sleep through it. Once lighting hits the first time I jump a little very uncomfortable, I'm also immediately worried about Y/n knowing how bad she gets when there's storms hopefully her strategy is working better then mine. I close my eyes and try to meditate to forget about the storm, but everytime there's thunder I completely lose my focus. I open my eyes as I hear my door opening out of nowhere, reaching for a gun I keep close to my bed when I sleep looking at the door. Y/n is standing in the doorway, definitely not looking like she's feeling great. "I could hear the thunder through my headphones, I got worried and wanted to check in on you," she tells me her hands shaking. I give her a sad smile, "do you want to stay here for the rest of the night?" I ask her softly. "I'd definitely like that," she says walking over to my bed and getting under the sheets just like I did those few weeks ago. I wrap my arm around her as she immediately cuddlee into me, looking up at me. "I definitely feel a lot saver like this," she admits to me quietly. "Me too Y/n/n," I whisper to her.

Y/n's POV:

The moment I get into Natasha's arms I feel saver, melting into her feeling her relaxing slightly as she pulls me close. We talk about some random things for a while, I'm definitely very tired but there's no way I'm talking asleep, the sound of the rain and wind alone already loud enough to keep me awake. "You really think I could have a chance at a relationship?" Natasha asks me after a while. "Yes Tasha I really think you do, I think you have a great heart behind those walls you build up around yourself. You deserve to be loved, you deserve a happy relationship," I tell her looking up at her. "I think you'd be a great girlfriend, you care, even if it's not always obvious, I know you do, and when you really care about someone you'll protect them no matter what, you have a hard time with feelings and emotions, that's obvious but also okay. Especially with your past. Plus you are also gorgeously," I tell her and I see her cheeks turning a little pink.

We stay quiet for a while again but I can feel Natasha starting to get more tense again. "What's wrong Tasha?" I ask her softly. "I like it when you call me Tasha," she says softly after a moment. "That doesn't answer my question though, you're very tense again? What's going on?" I ask her again looking up at her. "It's you Y/n," she says after a minute of hesitation not yet giving any context, "you're the person I have feelings for, and it's terrifying, I don't know how to feel about these feelings, and then you gave me all these compliments, and I'm not good enough for you," she rambles a little. I shake my head at her, "you like me?" I ask and see slightly fear flashing in her eyes as she nods her head. I smile happily at that, "you are more then good enough for me Tasha, I've had a crush on you for, well since the first time I saw you on the news," I whisper looking up at her. "Can I kiss you?" Natasha asks softly, "I really want to kiss you," she adds. I nod my head whispering a quiet yes. Our lips connect softly for just a second, reconnecting them a moment later in a gentle and loving kiss.

Author note: I think this chapter came out nicely, I hope you all think so too. There's definitely an opening for a part 3 so let me know if you want that. And if you have a request for a one shot let me know either in the comments or send me a private chat.

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