Murphy's Law - Edited

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Murphy's Law: Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." In some formulations, it is extended to "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time."


He pulls the rental truck onto the street, two houses down from Wes' house- she said his name was Wes, but he isn't exactly sure if that is his real name. He shuts down the car and sits in silence for what feels like a century.

Yesterday, he was enjoying his day off with his fiancé without a care in the world. And now he is about to dispose of a body and clean up a crime scene. This isn't who he is- he is a cop for god's sake, he's job is to catch the people who commit crimes and not cover up for them. But what else was he supposed to do when she'd asked him so desperately? Was he supposed to leave his family to fend for themselves? No, this is the right thing to do. He is sure of it. So what is he to do about the pit in his stomach? With an exasperated sigh- he steps out of the truck- slamming the door hard.

He walks past the house he'd parked in front of- with its closed doors and shut curtains, and none of the front door lights on. He hasn't been in Flint since his days as a patrol cop. That was years ago, then Flint was rougher, you couldn't park your car around here for a moment without losing your tyres and or rims. He smirks at the thought- the Caper police force has worked tirelessly to keep Flint's residents in check and in their place. But occasionally, their shit tends to bleed into the nicer parts of town. Parts where they don't belong- granted there hasn't been any trouble from them since the incident five years ago, he pushes back the unpleasant thought- it's still a part of town he dreads being in.

It's eerily quiet now. On the surface, it might look like nothing is happening- but there's definitely someone lurking. There always is. Should've brought my gun, he thinks regrettably. He quickens his walking pace- so lost in thought, that he almost doesn't notice the car parked right in front of the house he is supposed to be in, Almost.

It's a Honda Civic. Daisy had said Wesley drove a pick-up. He looks over and the driveway and spots the pick-up. So whose car is that? He jogs over to the car, being careful not to be spotted in the side mirrors-once he is right behind it, he crouches momentarily before peeking in. It's dark, but the moon is bright enough for him to see there's no one inside. He goes over to the side and looks inside, making sure no one is lying on the floor in a way he could not have seen through the back. Still nothing. How long has this been here?
He thinks slightly panicked- he analyses the state of the vehicle. It clearly has all its tyres and rims. The windows aren't shattered, either. Yeah, not long. Whoever car this is, they are around here somewhere.

But where?- just as he asks himself the internal question, he notices movement through what he assumes is the kitchen window. The curtains are thin, and the moon is bright, making it easy for him to make out the silhouette of a woman. She's seen the body! Daisy said it was in the kitchen.

Still crouched next to the car- he contemplates jogging back to his rental and grabbing his gun. No, that's a bad idea, what if they run out and drive away? Besides, a gun going off would draw attention. He can't afford that.

Quickly he jogs over to the back of the house- the door is wide open, and he steps inside quietly, careful not to make a sound. He makes his way through the small living room so he is right at the doorway of the kitchen and almost right behind her when she turns and faces him.

 He makes his way through the small living room so he is right at the doorway of the kitchen and almost right behind her when she turns and faces him

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