Hongjoong ❤️ everyone

369 5 17

Request from Yesyesyes000 ❤️

It was a quiet evening at ATEEZ dorms. Everyone was in the living room playing games, Wooyoung was in the kitchen making dinner for them all.

"Hey, pass me the dice!"- San's voice rang out, a playful edge to his tone.

"Sure thing!"- Yunho laughed as he tossed the dice across the table, narrowly missing Mingi's hand.

"Hey, watch it!"- Mingi grinned, his eyes never leaving the board game in front of them.

Seonghwa leaned back on the couch, watching the lively scene in front of him with a smile. - It's nice to have some downtime like this.- Yeah, we've been so busy lately - Jongho added, his deep voice rumbling as he spoke.

"Yah, Seonghwa, your turn!" - San exclaimed, nudging Seonghwa playfully.

Seonghwa chuckled and picked up his phone. "Give me a second, I'll just sent a message to Hongjoong."

Yeosang, sitting cross-legged on the floor, chimed in, "Is he still at the studio?"

Seonghwa nodded, looking slightly concerned. "Yeah, he said he wanted to finish up some work before heading back. But he promised he will come back for the night"

Just then, the aroma of cooking wafted into the living room as Wooyoung called out - "Dinner's almost ready, guys!"

Hongjoong's name seemed to hang in the air, and Yunho spoke up, his voice laced with a touch of worry. "It's getting pretty late. Do you think he's okay?"

Mingi shrugged, leaning back on the couch. "You know how he gets when he's focused on something. He probably lost track of time."

Seonghwa's phone buzzed, and his eyes lit up as he read Hongjoong's message. "He just texted back. He's almost done and will head back soon." - "That's good," Wooyoung said as he emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands on an apron. 

"Hmm, I wonder what Wooyoung's whipping up for us tonight," Jongho mused aloud.

"That's always a surprise," Yunho chimed in, casting a glance towards the kitchen. "But whatever it is, I know it's going to be delicious."

Just as they finished eating, their manager called. He announced that they have to come early to the dance practice.

Hwa sighed, nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's wrap it up for tonight. We can continue the games another time." After some groans and objections, everyone eventually headed to their rooms.

Seonghwa, after a quick shower, settled in front of the TV in their shared room (him and Hongjoong were sharing a room together as they were the oldest) with a game controller in his hand. He found solace in the virtual world, a way to unwind before the night's rest.

Hours passed, and the clock's relentless march drew the night deeper. Seonghwa paused his game, rubbing his eyes as the exhaustion from the long day caught up with him. The dorm had quieted considerably, signaling that everyone else was probably feeling the same.

With a sigh, Seonghwa put down the controller,  put on headphones and made himself comfortable on his bed. He checked his phone last time. Hongjoong didn't text him back. It was midnight already, so he decided to call him, yet unsuccesfully.

Was there a reason Hongjoong wasn't picking up? The possibilities raced through his thoughts, each more unsettling than the last.

As the night wore on, his worry only intensified. He knew Hongjoong's tendency to push himself beyond his limits, to prioritize their success over his own well-being. It was a trait that Seonghwa both admired and worried about. He knew that Hongjoong's determination had led them to where they were, but he also feared the toll it could take on him. Eventually, fatigue caught up with Seonghwa, and he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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