Chapter one- Onesie

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Josie and Lizzie are talking in their dorm room
"Are you and Hope friends?" Josie asked her sister "We're not friends but I don't hate her anymore and she doesn't hate me" (Josie already told Lizzie and Hope about the whole setting Hope's room on fire while having a crush on her and lying about Hope calling Lizzie witch bipolar) Lizzie answered "Wow I didn't think you were able to not hate anyone that wasn't Josie" Penelope says when she enters "Penny!" Josie exclaims "I can't believe your with satan AGAIN" Lizzie said "Also I don't hate a lot of people I do hate you though" Lizzie said directing her words at Penelope

"JOSIE I- oh IM SO SORRY I though Josie was the only one here I'm gonna go" Hope barges in suddenly blushing and is quick to almost leave after realizing other people where there and some how blushed even more "Why such a rush to leave Mikaelson?" Penelope questions "She probably wants to get away from you" Lizzie answer for Hope "and as fun as it has been to be with satan I unfortunately have to leave so bye" Lizzie says while leaving the dorm "So Hope what was it that you wanted?" Josie asked tired of her sister's and Penelope's back and forth "Oh it's nothing really I should really get go-" "Come on Hope you clearly need something and you actually sounded almost excited while also nervous which is weird because your always radiating angst" Penelope interrupted Hope "uhm right before you and Penelope got back together rember the sleep over we had" Hope asked looking extremely nervous and almost embarrassed while blushing again "Yeah" Josie answered confused "uhm wh... ... yo. g.. t.. ......" "Is the Hope Mikaelson feeling shy because I don't think me or Josie heard a word you said can you speak up please" Penelope says with faux innocence from where she was leaning on the couch close to where Josie was sitting "uhh yeah sorry. Where did you buy the onesies you got us" Hope said very quietly while blushing like crazy "oh um online from this site I'll send you the link just let me find it real quick they're cute though right" Josie says smiling while pulling out her phone "uh yeah" Hope says looking down "Your buying a onesie for your self carefull you might ruin your mystery angst reputation Hope" Penelope says intrigued "They're not for me" Hope says defensively "Who are they for then?" Penelope asks which a dry tone making it obvious she doesn't believe Hope "I don't think that concerns either of you" Hope says monotone"That's how you know it's for her" Penelope says emphasizing her point "It's not for me" Hope says raising her voice "Pen leave it alone Hope said they're not for her" Josie says while still trying to find the site why can't she remember the name "Yeah she did but it's a lie just wait Mikaelson I'm going to find out your plan" Penelope says playfully glaring at her when she says the last bit "I sent you the site Hope sorry it took so long I couldn't remember what it was called" Josie's says "Thanks Josie bye" Hope then leaves using her vampire speed

"She's hiding something" Penelope says accusingly "Or you looking way too into it" Josie says "This is the Hope Mikaelson where talking about she isn't know for liking people or things especially not onesies that totally ruins her Batman like sulking moody persona" Penelope says matter of factly "But you like her" Josie responds "Well so do you" Penelope retorts "I- Whatever" Josie says "But what do you think the onesie is for" Josie asks Penelope raises an eyebrow at her saying "I thought you didn't believe me"  "Well assuming your right what would she even use it for" Josie asks "I don't know" Penelope says "which is why we are going to figure it out" Josie says "I'll only help you because 1 I don't think your right and 2 if you are right I want to know why Hope wants it so bad" Penelope then says "We should try to convince her to go to the party next week maybe if we get her drunk she'll tell us" "We will not resort to getting her drunk for her to tell us why she wants the onesies" Josie says looking serious "Maybe you won't" Penelope says "Pen" Josie says "Relax I'm just kidding"

751 words
Hey so the characters are kind of out of character mostly Hope because well I just like it to be like that so yeah

Let me know what you think

Also there won't be any smut so if you came her for that wrong story sorry

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