Part 5 The secret

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"Come on you were such a fun time babe," Josie says trying to bring Penny's mood up she's been a bit down since Hope left with Lizzie "She wants Lizzie to take care of her," Pen says with a huff, sounding like a child who just got told no and is all upset and is throwing a fit "Can we not talk about it I mean it doesn't make sense we can't take care of her, but the person that hated her like a week ago can. It's just ugh" Josie says also not happy about Hope choosing her sister over them not that Hope did that but that was how both of them felt. Pen had some jealousy issues and Josie had a bit of a temper when drunk (also since dark Josie didn't happen in this fic it's kind of a bit of dark Josie's anger but not like the show but yk Josie in some ways did have anger but it was overshadowed by her codependency issues) "Let's go to the dorm just to relax me and you" Penelope says wanting to spend time with Josie and just get away from the party "Yeah we should also probably stop by Hope's room and make sure she's ok" Josie says and let's just say someone with jealousy issues and someone with anger issues going to a vulnerable girls room while drunk and upset isn't exactly going to end well.

"So how are we doing this Hopey" Lizzie asks Hope not wanting to overstep and make the girl more stressed than she already was "I don't know I've never regressed when someone else is with me," Hope says. She liked not having friends because it meant she could pretty much do whatever whenever because no one needed her. honestly, Hope felt embarrassed about doing things whenever there were people with her so she just stayed by herself "Well then what do you usually do to regress" Lizzie asked "I get in a onesie" Hope said because she always did love that onesie Josie gave her and it made her regress a lot easier after Josie got it for her "Well then let's do that. Where are they" Lizzie asks "I can get it," Hope says not wanting to bother Lizzie with something that simple "Nope sit down. Your too little to get it figuratively and literally now which one do you want"  Lizzie says wanting Hope to get into little space and also just wanting an excuse to call her short "Panda please" Hope says quietly "Panda it is also great manners" Lizzie says trying to encourage manners "Now you want to go into the restroom and change" Lizzie asks her "Yes please" Hope said "Wow when I was little I did not have that good manners good for you baby" Lizzie says (also when Lizzie says little she means like a kid she doesn't do age regression "thank you" Hope says blushing and goes into the restroom not locking it tho just in case something happened.

"Help please" Lizzie heard Hope ask through the door "You got it little wolf," Lizzie said opening the door to help Hope "My dad used to call my mom that before," Hope said once Lizzie's inside the restroom she didn't sound mad or sad just neutral "I'm so sorry I won't ever," Lizzie says feeling guilty for saying that and thinking about Hope Hope would feel after everything that happened with her mom and dad "Its ok I like when you say it," Hope says interrupting Lizzie's rambling "Ok then little wolf now let's see how you got yourself into this mess and how in the world are we going to get you out," Lizzie says with a smile and confuse as to how Hope some Hope put her left arm through the right hole and her left arm twisted in the head hole but they eventually get Hope out of that and that was a full-on miracle that Lizzie doesn't know how she accomplished. But then Hope and Lizzie hear someone calling "HOPE. LIZZIE, IS HOPE OK" It's Josie  "Shit" Lizzie says out loud not knowing what to do so that Josie and probably Penelope (because if you see one the other is usually close by) won't see Hope so she just gets out of the bathroom and says"Yeah she's fine she's just a little tired" but when she does she sees Penelope and Josie already inside Hope's room "Oh ok," Penelope says and just then Hope SLOWLY comes out of the bathroom looking very nervous. Hope was worried that Penelope and Josie would be mad at her for going with Lizzie when they had been so nice to her "Well can you leave we just want to talk to her" Josie said in a bit of an aggressive tone that made Hope instinctively put her head down "No you won't your drunk get out" Lizzie tells them not wanting Hope to get scared from the two drunk girls. However, Penelope sees Hope and asks her desperately "Why, why did you come to Elizabeth and not us" Hope doesn't know what to say and just looks at Lizzie for help and Lizzie says "There are certain things I understand more" But neither Penelope nor Josie is listening and Penelope just tells Lizzie "Like what we have also been here and yeahJosie and I have messed up but you two hated each other like a week ago and now she's asking you for help bullshit what do you have that we don't that we can't give her" "Come on Hope tell her we where always here for you she wasn't you know who to pick," Josie tells Hope aggressively and forcefully "You are drunk now get out," Hope tells Penelope and Josie "Hope" Lizzie says feeling bad that the girl had to intervene "Whatever," Josie says upset "Bullshit" Is all Penelope says before they both walk out.

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