민 하늘의 탄생

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"What she told me left me surprised, scared, confused and so many more emotions, none of them being positive." says Yoongi, as a bit of tears run down his eyes.

"I have never seen you cry before, hyung." says Namjoon, "And the woman's name was Seulgi? That is Haneul's eomma?"

"Yes, that wicked witch of the east is his eomma. Kang Seulgi." says Yoongi, nodding slowly.

"I feel very bad, hyung." says Namjoon, feeling bad.

"Don't be, Joon. You didn't know what was happening. So it is alright," says Yoongi, "Her parents didn't want her to have the kid because if not that would make them look back. Apparently everything I do makes everyone else look bad. They said they would either put it up for adoption or abort it. I quickly agreed to raise it myself. Her parents really didn't care as long as they didn't see my face or the kid's so we agreed that when the baby was born I'll take it."

"Damn." says Namjoon, surprised.

"But you know what?" says Yoongi, "I got a bit angry with her when she told her friends. She said that would have been a secret. I know I told my friends. But she told her friends like literally in front of me. At school people would bully me, call me bad things. They didn't say anything to that bitch because she was popular and her eomma was the principal. I got so much hate for an accident that happened. It wasn't my fault! It was hers!"

"She was the one that took you to her room." says Namjoon, shrugging his shoulders.

"Exactly, but apparently she didn't tell the whole school that. She just told them I used her as a toy and that I raped her," says Yoongi, "Anyways, 9 months later."


"Min Yoongi?" asks the nurse, stepping out of the room.

"Yes?" he asks, as he quickly stands up from the chair.

"You may go see your son now, sir." she says.

"My son. ." he says, smiling softly. He quickly goes into the room and sees a nurse holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. He looks at the hospital bed where he sees Seulgi, sitting up.

"Go on. It is your child." says Selugi.

Yoongi smiles and rushes over to the baby.

"What would you like to name him sir?" asks the nurse.

A name?

I never thought of a name?

I think. .


"Min Haneul."

"Such wonderful name. I will take him and clean him up. I will come right back." says the nurse, as she leaves.

"That is honestly a really cute name." says Seulgi, looking at Yoongi.

"Oh umm thank you. ." says Yoongi, trying not to make eye contact.

"Sorry. ." says Seulgi.

"For what?" asks Yoongi, still not looking at her.

The nurse comes back with the baby. She goes to Yoongi. "Here is your baby, sir." she says, smiling under her mask.

"T-thank you." says Yoongi, smiling softly at the nurse, but tears still roll down his warm cheek.

"You're welcome." she says, as she bows down.

He looks at the baby and the second his eyes went on the beautiful pale baby boy he knew that this was the reason why he was born. This little baby is the reason why he lives. This baby is his whole world.

Haneul slowly opens his eyes. He looks around but then his eyes went on the pale man. He then slowly smiles at the pale man as Yoongi cries softly. His eyes are a soft brown color and the bit of hair he has on his head is black like his.

"Hey, baby~" says Yoongi, smiling but tears coming down his eyes.

Haneul just makes a little cute baby boise. Yoongi sticks out his index finger to slowly touch the baby's face but the baby held onto his finger with his teeny tiny hands. Yoongi smiled even wider with that action.

"You are so cute." says Yoongi, he then remembers about Seulgi and looks at the hospital bed but she isn't there.

Then the nurse comes back in. "Do remember, sir, that the baby needs to say one more day here." she says.

"Yes, I will stay here too." says Yoongi, looking at his baby.


"S-she used you. . Wow she is a bitch. . I feel so bad for you, hyung. . You basically got raped. ." says Namjoon.

"I-I know. . It hurts, Namjoon, it really does. Being used to just lose your virginity because of your other friends but you don't care about the person who you are using. You don't even know if the person wants to or not." says Yoongi, tears roll down his eyes, "It hurts, Namjoon. ."

"Wait, you never talked about what you were hiding from." says Namjoon.

"I am still hiding. Don't use 'were' use 'are'." says Yoongi, correcting him.

"Oh ya sorry." says Namjoon, smiling at his mistake.

"People found out about me being 'Min Yoongi' they know I am not 'Kim Yoongi'. Someone took a picture of me and Haneul, walking around Gwangju one day. I think he was some months? I was carrying him the whole time cause he didn't know how to walk yet. This person then posted on every social media he or she had, and was saying how I was 'Kim Yoongi'. They even put a picture of Min and Kim to show how alike we both are. Well duhh they look the same so everyone knows, then later found out that I was 'Kim Yoongi'. And they also know that he has a kid. So they started asking who his eomma is?" says Yoongi.

"Ohhh." says Namjoon, nodding in understandment.

"Ya. ." says Yoongi, "I came to Busan with Hoseok and Haneul because they have never been outside of Gwangju. We got a little hotel for 2 days. And I decided to go and buy food with Haneul but then people found me and then I heard on the T.V. about 'Kim Namjoon living in Busan' so I went looking for you and here I am."

"Damn. ." says Namjoon.

"Yes it is a big DAMN." says Yoongi, nodding. Then his phone rings so he takes it out his back pocket.

"Yeoboseyo?" he says.

"Yeoboseyo! So like. . Haneul wants you?" says Hoseok.

"Come back then. It is only a 10 minute drive." says Yoongi, shrugging his shoulders.

"Going over!" then he hangs up.

"That is all I have to say. All of that happened. The accident I did with Seulgi is now a miracle. I am so happy she took me to her room. I am still very angry for what she did. She used me but happy that I don't remember anything that happened that night, so I think I am happy she drugged that drink. Because now Haneul is my cure, my whole life. And I put him before anything else. And even before me." says Yoongi, smiling.

"I am happy you found happiness, hyung." says Namjoon.

"I am happy that you also found happiness with your husband." says Yoongi, smiling.

"Oh yes. I am the happiest man on earth for having such wonderful husband and my own baby!" says Namjoon, smiling widely.

"I am happy. ." says Yoongi, smiling.


Birth of Min Hanuel

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