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Atlanta ga
May 15 2020

Excuse mistakes Chalynnmonee | 23

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Excuse mistakes
Chalynnmonee | 23

CHALYNN was watching the news in her two story home, Chalynn was worried about her safety after she heard the news about a serial killer in downtown Atlanta

Which was pretty close to where her and dess stayed

"Omg dess have you seen the news recently" Chalynn uttered to her best friend dess as she continued to fiddle with her pandora bracelet

"Girl who watches the news" dess stated while lowering her phone on her bathroom counter so Chaylnn could have a better view of her

"so you haven't heard about the serial killer" Chaylnn voiced kind of disappointed at dess who acted as if she didn't care that an literal serial killer was roaming around Atlanta

"Lay, what that gotta do wit me" dess remarked as she continued fixing her hair in the mirror

"What if you end up running into the serial killer or worse they try to kill you" Chaylnn stated to her best friend getting worried about dess since she was getting herself ready to go out

"Am I supposed to not leave the house" dess questioned squinting into the camera confused on what Chalynn wanted her to do

"I mean maybe, you are literally on your way to the biggest club in Atlanta"Chalynn stated worried that something bad could possibly happen

"Lay I'll be fine, and it's a hosting I'm not missing out on any money" dess uttered while swooping her edges "what are you going to do about work Tomorrow lay" dess questioned

"Well I might call off" Chalynn stated, chaylnn was an doctor's assistant she made an good amount of money, she also loved what she did and she hoped that one day she could become a doctor she loved helping people

"We'll I got to go lay" dess stated as she picked up her phone raising it up to her face on the urge of ending the call

"Be safe dess, please" chaylnn pleaded to her best friend over the phone

"I got you best, bye love you" dess remarked before blowing a kiss getting ready to end the call

"Love you too,talk to you later" Chalynn stated as they said their goodbyes

"I really do need to go to work tomorrow"Chalynn uttered before raising up from the couch, soon after she made her way to her master bedroom which included the colors pink and gold

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