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Warning - this chapter contains mentions of being taken advantage of and SA. Pls don't read if your not comfortable

Chapter seven


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙛𝙡𝙚𝙬 𝙗𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙧, Monroe would wake in the middle of the night, skip lessons, go to detention with James and repeat.

Tonight though, she woke up in a boiling sweat, the nightmare that had plagued her that night making shivers roll down her spine, she'd decided to go to the astronomy tower for a cigarette and a bit for cool air.

So, here she stood, in nothing but a cream coloured cardigan, a tight green cropped sleep shirt and a pair of pale green shorts with a snake embroidered on the waist.

The blew the smoke out into the environment, it getting mingled with her breath which became visible in the cold night.

"You should put some clothes on." He head snapped around when she heard a voice behind her but sighed an exhale of relief when she saw it was only Lucius Malfoy.

"Lucius. Why you awake at two in the morning." She asked as she took another drag of the cigarette in her mouth.

"Could ask you the same." The boy responded as he looked the younger girl up and down, making her slightly uncomfortable, as she flicked away the end of the cigarette and wrapped her cardigan around her tighter.

"I should get going, I shall see you later?" Monroe said with a gulp as she attempted to walk past the older boy, but her reached out and grabbed her upper arm.

"C'mon little Taylor. You can't walk around wearing that and expect to just leave. Especially if I've seen what's under there already. It makes it all the more enticing."

She inhaled shakily, "We agreed that was a one time thing. I was drunk I didn't even remember it happening until I woke up in your bed the morning after."

It was last year, Monroe was pissed off at her brother so she done the only logical thing, she went to a party and got black out drunk. She remembered vaguely Lucius approaching her. She remembered saying no. And she remembered waking up in his bed the following morning.

"Oh come on, you're making it seem like I took advantage of you. Grow up." The blonde boy said with an eye roll.

"Because you fucking d-!" Monroe was cut off when she was slammed against the hard brick wall of the astronomy tower, Lucius leant down and began leaving kisses along the side of her neck, making her try and wiggle free of his tight grip.

You want me to take advantage of you? I'll fucking do it Monroe. What will happen hmm? You won't tell William because you're fucking weak. You won't tell your father because he'd never believe you. And your poor mother, Azalea Taylor, what a lovely woman, a shame that she'll never believe you."

"Please." Monroe said, hating how weak she sounded, how defenceless as Lucius laughed loudly against her neck, "Get off of me. Get the fuck off." She said as she tried to push the boys much larger frame off of her, but her efforts seemed to have zero affect.

"I think the lady said get off Malfoy." Monroe had never been so relieved and so thankful to hear the voice of James Potter in her life.

Lucius pulled away, letting Monroe see the Gryffindor standing there with red and orange checkered sleep trousers and a grey T-shirt.

"Mind your own fucking business Potter. I've got no time for blood traitors." Lucius said, glaring daggers as the boy.

"Y'see I may not be Taylor's biggest fan, but if I see a lady in distress I'm going to help, so, get the fuck away." James said as he inched closer too the two.

The blonde boy looked between the other two and shook his head and walked away, "Watch your back Potter." He said, bumping shoulders with James on his way out.

Once he'd amended down the stairs Monroe stood up straight wrapped her cardigan around her tightly, "I could've handled it myself." She muttered as she looked at the boy who'd come and save the day.

"Yeah looked like it. Y'know a thank you would be nice." James said as he looked at her, Monroe met his eyes and saw his eyes were clouded with emotion, and if she dared to say it, she thought it was worry.

"Thank you James. Repeat a word of this to anyone and I'll kill you." She said as walked past the boy, but her caught her forearm making her stand back in front of him.

"Monroe, I won't tell anyone, but are you okay?" James asked, and she could say it surely now, James Potter was worried about her.

She just nodded before muttering, "see you in detention tomorrow." And walked back to her dorm, Well more like ran.

She slammed her door closed behind her and slid down the back of it, a silent sob escaping her throat as tears endlessly cascaded down her rosy cheeks.


"Right Prongs you've not said a word all morning. Normally you don't shit the fuck up, what the matter?" Peter asked James as he noticed the boy spacing out the entire time they were at breakfast.

The boy's attention snapped away from the blonde sitting at the Slytherin table and settle on his friend, "What?"

Peter rolled his eyes and repeated himself making James say, "Oh, nothing just a bit tired that's all."

"That's probably because you went out at two in the ducking morning. What the hell wear you doing anyway, you woke me up, I need my beauty sleep." Sirius said from where he sat across from James.

"Is this a bloody interrogation? I went for a cuppa tea. Anything else detective?" James asked, clearly getting agitated at the constant questions.

The truth was he was actually worried for Monroe Taylor, he'd never seen her so vulnerable she was scared of Lucius, of the boy's presence but yet he's her brothers best friend, he was curious as to why she was always awake in the midst of the night, always wondering. He wanted to know what plagued her sleep in order to always have dark bags under her eyes, he want to know everything about her. Her history, her, past, her secrets, he wanted to know them all. But yet, her had no interest as to get to know her.

"No need to get your nickers in a twist Jamie." Lily said as she ran her fingers up and down his arm.

"Lily can you stop touching me for five fucking seconds, go bother Severus." James exclaimed, not having the energy nor the patience to deal with the day.

He just wanted the detention to come around quicker, he wanted to speak to Monroe. He wanted to crack her. The more he knows, the easier she'll be to brake.

 The more he knows, the easier she'll be to brake

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Hey Dorotheas

This will be important to Monroes backstory, there's a lot that happens in her past so we're going along with the storyline which is good.

I have a vivid image in my mind of what I want to happen in this story and I'm proud of it honestly.

If you saw mistakes, no you didn't.

Live, laugh, love, Taylor Swift

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