1. Assassinchick

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I'm Emily and I'm in love with YouTube! I basically had it for a while and it's been a lot of fun. Well get this!

As I was looking through my YouTube channel, all of a sudden I see all these new subscribers and viewers I was amazed. I looked through my feed and saw people commenting like

'you're amazing!'


'I love you videos!'

I was so shocked! what, just it's been like that for a week! But why?! It was late at night so I had to go to bed. My phone kept buzzing all night. It was so annoying!

--Next Day--

As I woke up for school. My YouTube app showed a lot of notifications. I didn't pay attention to that. I went to school and then during lunch I looked at my phone again. OK what's going on? Later when I got on the bus I was walking by people and I hear some people whispering and screaming my name

'assassinchick!'(note this is a made up name)

That's when I turned and looked at the people and they freaked out, you know like fangirled cause they noticed it was me. I waved and they screamed louder. I smiled and couldn't believe that just happened. My friend looked at me confused.

"Why did they just call you by your gamer tag?" Daniel asked

"Well that's my YouTube name too, so maybe cause of that? They might watch my videos" I replied

"Oh I should check them out one day"

"Yes, yes you should"

We both laughed and then my bus was here. I left and waved to him. As I got on the bus I looked at my phone one more time. Another YouTube notification. That's it, I have to check this out! I had a great conversation with one of my friends and then when I was at my spot I got off. Did my usual take the dog out and all that. As I went back inside and grabbed my laptop to open it. I get a text message. I check it and it was Daniel.

Daniel: 'A lot of people are writing on your YouTube wall. They are also posting this video up of someone. I think you should check it out'

I got confused

Me: 'Alright thanks Daniel! I'll check it now'

As I logged into YouTube I went to my channel and saw everyone posting things on my wall and sending a link. I think it was all the same link. I decided to make a video so I grabbed my sunglasses and turned on my camera.

"Hey guys! Assassinchick here! I noticed something and it's been happening for like a week now. But it has gotten crazier lately! Um, well all of a sudden I have all these YouTube subscribers and people commenting and more viewers. Not that I don't like it! I honestly love it! All my viewers are amazing! Any ways, what is this link you guys keep posting on my wall? I mean I want to check it out but at the same time I don't want it to be like something weird or well I don't know how to describe it! Well comment guys, and maybe I'll check out the video! Assassinchick out" I said

I posted the video, the views sky rocketed out of the wall. It was amazing so many comments too and saying that I need to watch the video right away. I was right, it was the same link they were posting. So what do I do? I clicked it. I wanted to know what it was! As it loaded I started to get nervous. I came up and it lead me to Jeydon Wale. I absolutely loved his channel and I thought he was absolutely cute!

The video title said 'My Opinion on Assassinchick'

Well this should be interesting. I clicked play and listened to it.

"Hey guys! You beautiful people, well you guys wanted to know what I think about Assassinchick. Well let me tell you something, let me tell you something. I....love her videos" He said

I sighed in relief then I continued to listen

"Like, come on think about this. She makes crazy videos. Such as, the debate she had with her cousin. That movie she posted that she wrote herself! In a Dark Room, that was good! I like how she added the violence romance I was going crazy! Um...I didn't say that....The music videos she does for the covers she sings! The movie reviews and video game reviews! That is so cool she plays video games! How she does the small videos that say happy something! Also how she communicates with you guys, the fans! I would love to meet her, and actually you know talk to her! I love her personality. I know, I know, you guys are thinking. What don't you like about her? Right, right? Well, I don't like the fact she wears shades in all her videos. Or even hats! i like hats.....It's like she doesn't want us to know who she really is. Also like when she has one of her friends or cousins or even her brother, they call her Assassinchick when they want to call her or when they are talking to her. I want to know more about her yet she hides things from us. I can tell from that she is shy, but I want her to open up to me. Wait, um I mean... Let's back that up...Um... Ah, hi" He said

I laughed a little and then he continued

"Well guys, actually can you all get her to watch this video?? Also subscribe to her and to me too! It would be awesome if you guys do! See you later, bye I love you all!" He said

The video ended and I commented on it saying

'Like the video ;)'

Then when people saw I commented they started going crazy. It was so funny. I looked at the screen one more time. I decided to message Jeydon. I did and said,

Me: "Hi, it's Assassinchick (even though you probably know that already) I just saw your video. I loved it to be honest. Thanks so much for the complements. I'm not used to them but maybe one day I can tell you why. That depends how close we get. Well I honestly love your videos too ,you can always put a smile on my face. I hope this message isn't weird for you. Well we should talk more, here's my number........., text me or call me when ever! I hope to hear from you soon. As I say in my videos, Assassinchick out"

I clicked send and I waited. At the same time I really didn't expect something from him. It's cool though I don't mind it. As I put my computer away I laid down and went to bed.

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