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The smell of freshly brewed coffee must be the most beautiful thing on the planet. A whiff of the rich, earthy aroma was intoxicating in all the best ways. A delightful pleasure that always evokes a sense of warmth and comfort. It automatically lifted one's spirits, providing energy for a new day ahead.

If Joe would ever have to choose between coffee or anything else, she would choose the coffee. There had been several talks with Adam, who had to deal with being of lesser significance than coffee, allegedly.

Walking through the hallways, Joe encountered several tired faces. While most students were in the cafeteria already, some were sluggish in their pursuit of the day. Therefore, she refrained from greeting the moody teens.

As the redhead entered the bustling cafeteria the air hummed with lively conversations, ebbing and flowing like waves. The clatter of dishes mixed with laughter created a vibrant atmosphere that Joe couldn't resist joining in.

Her eyes darted across the room, seeking out familiar faces and greeting them with smiles and nods. They stopped at one particular face, prompting a beaming grin to appear on her face. Trying to keep her excitement at bay, she rushed over to one of her regular spots.

"Morning, Jody!" Douglas greeted, lifting his cup of coffee in a cheerful toast.

"Most wonderful morning, Doug!" Joe replied, sitting down opposite her friend. She looked down at the spread of food on a plate before her. "Mhh. You read my mind, I was dying for French Toast."

Since fully settling on the island, Douglas and Joe had established a sort of tradition for themselves. Whenever the man visited the island, the two made it a point to eat breakfast together first thing in the morning, always in the same spot. On some days, they remained silent throughout the whole thing, while on others, the meal in front of them went cold before either of them paid any attention to it. Starting the day in this manner was one of Joe's favorite parts of living on the island.

Soon enough, the two finished their food and moved on to more serious talk, business talk. Douglas always made sure to keep Jordyn up-to-date on any step they took on the mainland – not that she was ever out of the loop, for Donald kept her informed too. Their heads pulled closer together and their voices sank in an effort to keep the business secrets confidential.

Only the squeak of a chair caused them to jump apart. Their shoulders sank at the content child spooning her yogurt next to them. They exchanged swift greetings, the girl focusing back on a drawing she brought and the adults back on the new system updates. After some time, Douglas and Joe exchanged nods, officially closing the prior topic and choosing to entertain S-82.

"What's that you're making, kid?" Douglas asked, reaching for the paper and twisting it to see.

A twinkle sparked in Joe's eye, remembering her plan for the day – the appearance of S-82 most convenient now. "Buttercup?" She spoke up, drawing her attention from Douglas. "I've got something for you."

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