Chapter one - Crisis has a h

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If there is one thing that being a teenager and high school student has taught me it's that school is a complete waste of time. All those "activities" and "practice tests" they make us do that don't really help in the long run just feel like things teachers use in order to fill time in between the actual learning. I check the time on my phone and see that it's almost home time. I can almost taste the freedom. I'd already packed up all my books by the time the bell rang and as if a gunshot for the start of a race had just sounded, I bolted out of "the heavenly hell hole." Of course that wasn't REALLY the given name of my semi-private christian school but it was what my genius little brain had conjured up and it was what I was going with.

By the time i'd made it to the car park and hopped into my car I was panting like a dog on a hot day. I should probably start exercising I tell myself for the 10000th time this month. I tried to exercise once, it lasted about 2 weeks and consisted of me running around the neighbourhood like a crazy person in my over sized top and pj shorts ( I don't exercise enough to have proper gear,ok?) Before my mom went shopping again and came home with a 10 pack of my FAVOURITE instant noodles...thanks mom. Apart from that no exercise has been done by Lyra Chrisis since primary p.e classes. Yes, I know my last name sounds like "crisis" and it pretty much is except MY name has a 'h' in it and to be honest... it's kinda perfect since it pretty much sums up my 16 years of life so far.

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