Chapter Six - Win Win

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You grunt in pain as you're slammed into a wall by a big burly villain. "You won't win you puny little hero. I will win!"

You laugh loudly, "Oh please. You're ridiculous! You. Will. Never. Win." You look to your left before shouting, "NOW!" On your word a bright streak of lightning passes by you and hits the villain square in the jaw. "Nice hit Chargebolt! Now let's finish this."

Kaminari nods and hits the villain again. The villain falls to the ground and stops moving, unconscious. "Can you carry him Direct Domination?" Kaminari asks gently. 

You shake your head. "No, too weak. Need sugar." You stumble around a bit before passing out. The last thing you saw was Denki running towards you, looking concerned.


Hyperventilating you sit up, looking around your room. "Not again." You mutter while trying to get out of bed. "Stupid fucking sheets. GET OFF ME!"

Mina runs into your room, "What's up Y/n?"
Fumbling, you finally get the sheets off you. "Nothing, I'm alright M."

She smiles, "Alright. There's cake out here. I thought you would want some so you can recharge."
You smile back, "Thank you Mina. I'll come out in a minute."

You look down at your clothes seeing you're still in your hero costume so you decide to get change.


After you got changed you walk to the kitchen. Seeing everyone sitting at the kitchen island fills you with such joy. You love these people and you're grateful that Mina finally convinced you to move back here.

Sero turns to you, smiling. "Hey Y/n. How are you feeling?"
You smile back, "I'm good, could use some of that cake though."

They all laugh and Mina hands you a plate with a piece of cake. Taking the plate, you nod your thanks and start eating it. "Oh my, this is delicious! Where did you get this?"

Mina's eyes widen as she looks away, "Err this bakery. Down the street, it's umm new." Suspiciously, you stare at Mina, "It's from Bakugo isn't it."

She looks at you, "How do you do that?"
You laugh, "I'm just good at reading you. You don't have to lie about getting a cake from Bakugo." Mina laughs awkwardly making you roll your eyes, "There's more that you're not telling me, isn't there?"

Mina nods, "Seriously it's creepy what you do."
You laugh, "So what are you not telling me?"

Mina looks around, "Umm we're still, and by we I mean all of us, are still friends with... you know," She pauses to see your reaction which you keep neutral so Mina decides to continue, "We go to see him. You know hang out with him when we have time off. But since you've been here we haven't been spending that much time with him and I thought it was time that someone did. Obviously you and Denki were busy on patrol and Sero and Kiri were busy shopping. I just didn't want him to feel alone or abandoned ."

You smile, "Mina it's fine. I completely understand, he's your friend to. I can't keep you from him because we used to have problems. Now since you lot are still friends with him, maybe you should invite him to that surprise party you lot are planning."

All four head snap to look at you, "WHAT?!" They all say in unison.
You chuckle lightly, "Invite him."


All the boys rush around making sure all the decorations look good, while you and Mina get ready in her room. "What do you think about my dress Y/n? Is it too much?"

You look her up and down, "You look great M!!! What about mine?" You spin to show off your outfit.
Mina cheers you on, "Woo you look stunning Y/n."

You both laugh and finish getting dressed. The door bell rings, both you and Mina turn to look at each other. "Let's go welcome our guests."

Linking arms, you both walk towards the door. "Hello and welcome to our humble living space!!" You both say in unison.


The music is blaring, people dancing around you, Mina jittering beside you. "You okay M?"
She shakes her head, "He's not here yet. He was supposed to be there an hour ago. Y/n I'm getting worried. You know our job, it's dangerous."

You nod, "I understand. Give me his number, I'll give him a call. You try to relax, I'm sure he's fine." She gives you his number and goes off to dance with Kiri.

You wait for her to fully be away from you before call him.

-End of Chapter Six, hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for the next chapter.-

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