The forgotten, The free

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Elliot lived in a small part of the Aquatic Empire, A part where the king never paid attention too. This land enforced little to no rules and was heavily populated with crime, drugs, and the best parties in the center of the town. Every night was music, dancing, fights, and everybody knew everybody. 

Nobody here knew what Elliot was, except for his close friend Dante. The two were both orphans and often confided in each other with secrets and  emotions. The two walked down an empty street, dimly lit by broken street lights. The sound of music echoed from a few blocks down, it was distant but you could still make out the lyrics. 

"I don't get it, El" Dante Pondered after Elliot explained his plan. "Whats not to get?" Elliot knew his plan was risky but he knew he could pull it off. "Why risk it? They have no leads to finding you, I mean they don't even have proof that you're alive." Dante explained.

"They have the stone Dante, I'm not trying to be a royal pet. All I have to do is go in there and ask the king very nicely where it is." Elliot finished brushing his blonde hair out of his eye. "I wouldn't call compulsion asking nicely. Also you don't look-" Dante paused. "Normal." 

Dante was dark skinned with hazel eyes and brown curly hair. "What's that supposed to mean." Elliot said eyeing Dante. "You look more royal then... peasant" Dante explained. "No?" Elliot responded. "Whatever, just think this through more before you go barging into the palace aimlessly." Dante concluded as they walked closer to the town square. They approached the colorful flashing lights filled with many people, very few of them sober. 

The two teenagers approached two of their friends Amy, and  Luis. 

Amy had long brown hair and bangs with green eyes, she was short maybe 5'3. Luis had black hair that was the length of his neck, he had brown eyes and freckles. 

"Hey El" Amy greeted. "What about me?" Dante asked acting offended. "You owe me money, you don't get a hello." Amy rolled her eyes. "Sup'" Luis said giving the two boys a fist bump. "we were just about to go get food, you guys hungry?" Luis asked. "Uhh yeah I could eat." Dante responded. Elliot just shrugged.

 The group headed off to a nearby food truck, "Dante you can pay" Amy joked, although serious. The group stopped waiting in line and continued converting. Elliot zoned out,  still contemplating his plan. The new hires were meant to report to the castle tomorrow at 11 am sharp. "El" Luis's voice snapped him back into reality. 

"Hm?" Elliot hummed directing his attention towards his friends. "what do you want?" Dante asked money in hand. "We're all going to get Candy" Amy grinned. That was a code word for LSD. Elliot knew the trip lasted 12 hours from past experience and if he was going to the palace tomorrow that wouldn't be the best idea.

"I'll pass" Elliot answered after a second. "When have you ever turned something like that down?" Luis pried. "Four, please." Amy told the man working the stand. 

"Did you hear me?" Elliot rolled his eyes. "Yeah but just in case you change your mind." Amy shrugged. The man handed the group pretzels with acid tabs wrapped under the paper.  

The four walked over to a secluded alley away from gossiping eyes. Dante, Luis and Amy places the tabs under their tongues while Elliot watched arms folded. 

After about an hour the LSD had fully kicked into their systems and they were on the dance floor enjoying the party. Elliot sat off to the side babysitting Dante. "You good?" El laughed watching his friend stare off into space. "I can hear my mind." Dante stumbled his worlds. Elliot laughed in response. "Let's have a serious talk." Dante exclaimed visibly not in the state to have a serious talk.

"Not right now." Elliot answered patting his friend on the shoulder. "Yes now." Dante pushed. "You can't just walk into the palace and compel your way into getting the stone, hell they might not even have the stone it could just be a rumor. They've prepared for a moment like this, they'll know something's up." Dante continued. 

"Look, I'll be in and out. I doubt they'll even notice me. There's no way they'll suspect a servant, royalty looks at them like trash." Elliot explained. "I guess, but I don't think it's worth the risk." Dante said still staring off into space. 

The conversation was interrupted by a large group forming in the center of the crowd. In the depths of the crowd you could hear angry hollering between boys. "Shit, I don't want to miss this" Elliot giggled standing up grabbing Dante's wrist as they pushed past the crowd to get a clear view of the fight.

The two boys were both shocked to see their friend Luis in the center of the crowd yelling profanity at another boy who was very disliked by the group, Joseph . "Fuck." Dante mumbled. "Should we stop them?" Elliot asked noticing that  Joseph was half Luis's size. "Uhh, yeah?" Dante answered still unsure. "Stay here" Elliot demanded and walked to Luis awkwardly pulling him to the side. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Elliot scolded. "The asshole can't keep his mouth shut!" Luis shouted. "Okay..." Elliot started thinking of a way to reason with Luis without having to admit he didn't think he could win. "You aren't in the best state to be fighting." Elliot deadpanned. 

"You mean you don't think I can win?" Luis snapped. "No, that's not what I'm saying-" Elliot was cut off by Joseph raising his voice. "You gonna fight me druggie, or are you pussing out" Luis started to walk towards Joseph but Elliot pulled him back. "Fuck off Blondie, let him get his ass kicked!" Joseph hollered, Elliot only ignored him. "Come on." Elliot persisted. Luis rolled his eyes giving in. The two both started to walk off before Joseph stopped Elliot. 

"I see how it is, you don't want to see your friend up like your dead fucking parents." Joseph grinned. Before Elliot could stop himself he punched Joseph square in the face knocking him to the floor. 

The two boys pushed out of the crowd Amy and Dante soon following them. They ignored Joseph's protests from behind them demanding that they come back so he could prove himself. The group stopped outside of a nearby alley. Luis shoved Elliot against the wall, "hypocrite!" Luis barked. "He's kind of right." Amy budded in. 

"whatever" Elliot crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "Give me the acid" Elliot demanded which granted a smirk from his friends. 

The rest of the night was a blur, Elliot awoke at 10:30 am on a pallet on Dante's floor. He rubbed his eyes and sat up groggily. "when did I fall asleep?" he mumbled causing Dante to sit up as well. "Like 7 am, you passed out in an alley. I had to carry you here." Dante answered climbing out of bed. Elliot cheeks flushed red, that's so embarrassing.

"Oh." Elliot mumbled. "Wait." Elliot continued. "I gotta go." Elliot said standing up a little too fast. "You aren't still seriously planning on going to the palace are you, You're still on drugs, your pupils are huge." Dante explained in a worried manner as Elliot hurriedly put on his shoes. 

"I'll be fine." Elliot shouted in response running out the door, his mind still screwed. The faces around him seemed to be morphing into deformities and the sky was unusually beautiful today. "Thirty minutes" He mumbled to himself running through the streets for about 10 minutes until he met the gate that separated his town from the capital where the palace was. 

"No civilians allowed crossed this point without registration" A guard told Elliot in a stern voice pointing at a sign that read the exact same thing. Elliot rolled his eyes in response and made direct eye contact with the guard. The guards eyes flashed a blue light and a light melody could be heard in the guards mind. 

The guard smiled, "enjoy your stay" he said opening the gate. Elliot hadn't been to the capital since he was a kid, not since his parents had died. Elliot could see the castle from where he was, but he only had fifteen minutes to get there. 

Elliot turned a 30 minute walk into a fifteen minute run and approached the Palace. The Aquatic Place stood before him in all its glory.  Elliot sighed hiding himself in the crowd. He would be in and out in the next couple days, or so he thought.

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