Chapter One

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Hermione moved along the castle walls with an air of great joy—tonight was her night in the room of requirements. The eighth years had come up with a rotating schedule since they had decided that they should treat themselves because of the war. She glided her hand along the walls of Hogwarts as she searched for the entrance of the room. On her third try, she felt the bricks moving just a bit weirdly and gave it the signature three knocks.

She fell through the door and bumped into the room. Since it was magical—and adhered to the user's taste—it was usually something that resembled a reading nook for her but that wasn't what she was looking at tonight.

Instead, there was a big emerald bed in the middle of the room complete with a canopy and a bunch of treats laying around, a mini book stand next to them. Inside the bed though..

"Pansy Parkinson?" She yelped. "I—I thought you moved!" She backed off toward the door, expecting a big blowout but then stopped as she reminded herself that she had gone through a whole war, she wasn't going to let one little mean girl scare her off.

"Hermione?!" She leaped up from the bed, gathering her things and looking anywhere but at her. "I think they messed up the schedule..."

"Yeah." Was all she thought to reply.

Pansy loooked guiltily around the room, her face full of something that resembled longing and really, she had helped in the end of the war and to rebuild so maybe Hermione's twinging heart had some sort of point. "This is going to sound odd coming from me of all people and I usually wouldn't do this but..keep the room tonight."

Pany's face softened the tiniest fraction before returning to her raised eyebrows and open mouth. "No, it's fine, Granger." The word felt weird in her mouth. "It's a really nice offer uhm"

Granger smiled lightly, her brow raising. "Or we could just share. I'll stay on my 'side' if you stay on 'yours'."

Pansy considered. "Alright but this doesn't mean anything, okay?"


"Where were you?" Questioned Ron as she plopped down on the couch.

"Room of Requirements."

"Had a good time?" Harry asked. "Did you get the homework done?"

Hermione stamped down the urge to roll her eyes. "Not yet."

Ronald and Harry exchanged a look. "Are you sure that you're alright, 'Mione?"

"Yes, Harry."

"Hmm, hard to believe." Muttered Ron. "Hermione Granger not doing the homework? Unheard of."

Hermione ignored them as she took out the book she was reading. It was a romance by Emmersonian Macoldand, an amazing witch which she absolutely looked up to. In the last few months she had been doing some self-exploring, so to say. Being that her and Ronald's non-official fling had fizzled out and they had returned to being friends, she found herself paying too much attention to the witches surrounding her. Maybe she didn't have everything figured out like she thought.

Harry had come out to them earlier in the year as bisexual—liking both men and women. Surprisingly, the wizarding world hadn't batted an eye. It was normal here so she felt like an odd one out when she felt uncomfortable with it for a bit until she realized..she didn't hate it, no. She hated that Harry had the guts to do something that she never would. What would her parents think of a bisexual daughter? She didn't want to find out but it didn't stop the reality of her being exactly that. It was just putting it off for a later time.

"Hermione," Harry waved a hand in front of her face, "I was asking you something. Where did your head go?"

"Sorry. I was just..thinking about arthmincy."

"Only you would dream about classes." Muttered Ron from beside her. Hermione rolled her eyes yet again. 

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