What and WHAT now?!?!

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Sckrim: *sighs* Still nobody? Wait, what's this? Somebody noticed me! *squees*

truealia123: Eat tomato sauce with pickled egg

Sckrim: Wa-wait. What? H-how? You know what, no. You're explaining this to me. *holds arms out, eyes closed. A puff of smoke appears then dissipates with truealia standing there*

Truealia: What? How did I get here? Where am I? Who are you?

Sckrim: You need to clarify some things to me; Magic powers I possess only within this pocket dimension; As stated earlier, a pocket dimension that is whatever I will it to be; Basically a magical human who can only exist in here. Now, did you want me to dip the eggs in the sauce, coat them in it, or just drown them in the sauce then drink it?

Truealia: Oh, uh... Just dip them in... I-I guess.

Sckrim: *summons a jar of Barilla sauce and a jar of pickled eggs in the same way Truealia got in the world* This is gonna be gross... *takes off lids of both jars, grabs a pickled egg out of the jar, wincing as her hand hits the liquid, takes out the egg, dips it in the sauce, and eats it* That wasn't as bad as I thought. Still pretty bad. Just not as gross. In a similar vein of not-as-gross-as-you-think as mashed potatoes and cherry coke mixed together. Thanks for the suggestion!

Truealia: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Sckrim: You ready to head back?

Truealia: But I just got here.

Sckrim: You can come back. Okay, Bye!*Sends Truealia back* I feel lonely already.

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