Brett, Liam, Mason, Malia, Stiles, & Coach Finstock: Season 4 Episode 11

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Brett Talbot: You okay?

Liam Dunbar: We lost.

Brett Talbot: But you're okay, right?

Liam Dunbar: Why'd you do that? Why'd you help me?

Brett Talbot: Because of Scott. He saved me. He saved all of us. Do you know how lucky you are?

Liam Dunbar: What do you mean?

Brett Talbot: Scott's a True Alpha. That means he didn't get his power because he was born with it. He didn't get it by stealing or killing someone. He earned it. You're not strong just because you can lift a lot of weight now. You're strong because you endure. Satomi calls it strength of character. You're lucky to have him.

Mason: [Playing video games] When did you get so good? You been practicing? Or did you just suddenly get superhuman reflexes?

Liam Dunbar: Uh... Practicing.

Stiles Stilinski: Everything's fine. I got a text from Scott this morning and he said he might be a little late.

Liam Dunbar: Well, how late is late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. He shouldn't be late.

Coach Bobby Finstock: [Coming up to them] Who shouldn't be late?

Liam Dunbar: Scott and Kira.

Stiles Stilinski: They might be slightly late.

Coach Bobby Finstock: Slightly late is still late. What are they doing?

Stiles Stilinski: They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late.

Coach Bobby Finstock: What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?

Stiles Stilinski: Oh, Coach.

Sheriff Stilinski: We're going to be okay. And at least for the moment, I can afford to take my son and his girlfriend out to dinner. Malia, what's your favorite food?

Malia Tate: Deer.

[the Sheriff gives her a peculiar look]

Stiles Stilinski: Pizza. She likes pizza.

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