Chapter 9: fun time

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The next morning when you wake up and rhea is still asleep.
Y/N gets up out of bed slowly so she doesn't wake Demi up. Y/N goes to Demi's kitchen and look around o find something to make for breakfast. Y/N looks in the fridge and gets out eggs, ham, green bellpeppers, onion, and cheese. Y/N looks through a couple of cabinets before finding a pan, bowl, plate, spatula, and cooking spray. She then makes her and Demi omelettes and ham. She plates it up and goes to the fridge to get some juice. she then walks back to the room and wakes demi up saying breakfast in bed. They eat their breakfast and get ready for the and they take the dogs on a walk. when they get back they sit on the sofa watching whatevers on tv. They spend the rest of the day just relaxing together. Y/N tells demi that she is going to leave for a little bit to go get some clothes and other stuff so she can stay with her for a few day. demi asks if she can come with Y/n says of course. they are now at Y/n house. "you have a nice place" demi says as they are walking through the house. "Thanks demi". Y/N gathers her things and they head back to demi place. "so what are we going to do for the rest of the day." Y/N asks. "I don't know but we do need to eat so we could cook together if you want to." demi says "sure what are we doing for dinner" you say "anything you want." demi says "do you have things for pizza" you ask. "yes is that what you want to make" demi says "yes" you say all excited. "I have premade pizza crust or we can make some which do you want to do. also I know how to make the crust cheese stuffed if you want." demi tells you. "ok lets go do this. I want to make our own crust and cheese stuff.'' you tell her as you pull her up all happy and excited making demi laugh. "what are you laughing at" you question her with a confused expression on your face. "you. you get excited over the little thing like making pizza It's cute" demi tells you "Thanks" you say. they make the pizza and put it in the oven and they wait for it to be done. Demi gets out 2 plates. you guys eat the pizza then decide to clean the kitchen since it's a mess after making the pizza because you decided to throw flour at demi and she got you back. After you guys finish cleaning the kitchen you guys watch some anime and you fall asleep on demi's chest. she carries you to bed and she gets in and falls asleep shortlt after

Rhea Ripley x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now