𝙿𝚞𝚜𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚟𝚎

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𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚐𝚘


Steve knew he had pushed it too far this time.

I felt my heart cracking in my chest, a piece of fine china that was shattered and is now desperately trying to be shoved together and glued back so I didn't embarrass myself by crying in front of him. It's my eighteenth birthday, and I didn't expect him to come, I didn't want him to. But he showed up, commented on how I'd never be enough for anyone, that I was lucky Logan was marrying me because I didn't have anything else to offer, and now I'm staring at him wide-eyed and he's looking at me like he's shocked that those words left his mouth. The warehouse was filled with people, music blaring but it did nothing to drown out the sound of my heart breaking in my ears.


But I didn't give him a chance to finish his statement, the beer bottle slipped from my fingers and I was doing what Sofia Moor did best, run. I climbed the stairs quickly, covering two flights in what felt like seconds before I was breaking onto the roof, finally letting the tears break through the barriers of my eyes. This was supposed to be a good day, a birthday party without Logan, something I've never experienced, but like always Steve had to come and take the one good thing away from me, tainting it with his beautiful face and his cruel tongue. I want to hate him, but I love him, and I'll never stop.

I was getting tired of the games I played with Steve. Ignoring him didn't work, he was still the first person I looked for in every room, and he was still the security blanket I was never going to get rid of. I wanted to love myself enough to tell him no, to stop the cruel games that he played with me, but instead, I loved him more, I would always love him more.

Thunder crashed above me, lightning flickering across the sky when I tilted my head back and welcomed the rain that started pouring down on me. I let the water wash away the hurt, let it wash clean the emotional cuts that were inflicted by Steve's cruel words, I welcomed the chill, it made me alive.

"Sofia," Steve's voice came from behind me, and instead of whirling around and giving him the satisfaction of me being scared, I dropped my head, slowly turning to face him, "Please don't run."

"I'm tired Steve," I knew my hair was sticking to my face, and my black dress was suctioned to my body uncomfortably, "I don't want to keep doing this, I can't keep playing these games with you." Three strides and he was in front of me, his massive hands cupping my face tenderly, thumbs stroking my jaw while he studied my face. "And what's worse, is even though I don't want to keep doing this, I will, because there's not a part of me emotionally that you haven't touched and I don't know how to function without you, but you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

I shrugged, wrapping my hands around his wrists, "Could've fooled me," I pulled his hands away from my face, tilting my head back again to let the water lash against my face, a half-drunk smile appearing on my cheeks, "Do you ever want to be lightning?" I wasn't looking at him, my eyes glued to the electricity slicing across the sky, and I jumped slightly when Steve's arms wrapped around my waist, but I didn't take my gaze from the sky, it was easier to ignore the boy in front of me than deal with the aftermath of his denial.


"Lightning is strong, powerful, beautiful," I finally cast a glance at the love of my life and my worst nightmare, "I want to be like it, not tossed around, treated as a second thought," I reached up, letting Steve hold my weight as I stretched to reach the sky, "I want to be powerful and strong, I want to be a force that's hard to fight."

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