cuddling around the boys

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The sound of a knock on the front door of the dorm caught everyone's attention.

The boys were all gathered around in the living room watching a movie together and no one seemed to want to get up to see who was at the door.

So, Seungmin decided to.

"I'll get it." He sighed as he stood up.

Going over to the door, he opened it and his eyes lit up when he saw you standing there.

"Hey!" You smiled before seeing that all of the boys were looking at you. "I'm sorry, are you busy? I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, baby, you're not." Seungmin quickly said. "Come on."

"Okay." You said with a bright smile.

You stepped inside as Seungmin closed the door.

"Y/N!" Jisung happily spoke.

"How are you?" Hyunjin asked.

"I'm great." You replied. "Thanks for asking. What about all of you?"

"Doing fantastic." Felix smiled.

"We were just watching a movie." Changbin spoke. "But you're not interrupting, so don't worry about that."

"Are you sure? I can go." You said.

"Don't." Seungmin spoke as he gently took your hand into his. "Watch it with us."

"I'd like that." You happily said.

Seungmin sat back down on the sofa beside Bang Chan and you curled up to your boyfriend's side.

"I've missed you." Seungmin quietly said. "I didn't expect you to come over but I'm not complaining."

"I wanted to surprise you because I've missed you too." You said happily.

He took your hand into his and held it tightly as your fingers intertwined.

You put your head on his shoulder and smiled happily as his lips brushed softly against your head.

You haven't been dating for too long, only a couple of months.

But already, Seungmin is falling so hard for you.

His heart completely belongs to you at this point.

He hasn't said it because he worries it's too soon but he's genuinely so in love with you.

And you feel the same way, swearing that every second you spend with him just makes you fall even more in love with him.

You looked up at him to find that she was already staring at you.

His eyes were so soft, his gaze full of adoration.

He had stars in his eyes like the boys had never seen before.

"What?" You asked as you watched him smile brightly.

"You're just really pretty."

You pecked his lips before curling up even closer to him.

You cuddled him and he held you tight, his legs tangling with yours as he cherished every second with you in his arms.

You've cuddled like this before but not really around the boys.

Not because he's too shy to because he isn't but rather because you just haven't had the chance to.

But now, as you cuddle on the sofa, Chan moved to the floor with a grin on his face.

He wanted you and Seungmin to have some space and cuddle each other as tightly as possible.

Seungmin's lips brushed against your cheek and his hand that wasn't intertwined with yours began to brush softly across your side.

"You're my whole world." You whispered to him.

His eyes lit up even more and he leaned in to steal a sweet kiss from your lips.

The boys just watched on, smiling to themselves as they realized that Seungmin was so in love and happier than he's ever been.

And they knew he'd found the one, and they couldn't be happier for the two of you.

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